Podcast on hold, Podcast coming...

Mar 09, 2009 22:27

 Well, for anyone who cared, the podcast is officially on hold.

I just don't have the time to do it in a timely manner anymore. I hadn't finished a show in months and months and couldn't even get out a Buddy Holly podcast within weeks of the anniversary of his death.

I don't have a lot of time at home in fornt of the computer, what time I do have is used for writing and the comic stuff *www.bluerosestudios.net*. Thanks for everyone who has listened and for allt he kind feedback. I don't feel like I did it long enough to really get into the swing of it. I do hope ot resume it at some point in the future.

Instead, whatever free time I have in front of the computer will be used catching up on livejournal, emails, forums, etc. All the free time stuff I was letting slip by ever since work grew extra hectic.

Also, a few friends and I are planning a different webcast which will be much lower impact. It should also be very funny and I'm really excited about it. More on that later.

So, now that I'm back on Live Journal, how's everyone been?

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