326; friends cut

Nov 18, 2008 12:37

Friends cut done. If you can't see this entry you have been cut. While I detest doing these, there are just some people on my f-list who I feel:
- that I haven't been able to click with, or felt I couldn't find things to comment with on any of your entries.
- we've grown apart: which is my fault, for being on here rarely (if ever).
- don't want to be on here and rarely (if ever) comment.
- that haven't been active in some time.
If you'd like to be re-added, please comment on my friends only entry, however I'd like you to really consider if we have connected before commenting. I'm sorry if you feel like I've cut you unfairly - as I've said in my last couple of posts, I just, need a change. I wish you all the best in life.

eljay:friends cut

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