If I am rejected I think I will miss the fish

Aug 09, 2011 00:33

*Gnaws fingernails*

Ph.D. this fall? Or am I about to be kicked into the real world?

Time and paperwork will tell. Slowly. In a dragged-out sort of way.

After thinking very hard about it, but perhaps not quite hard enough, I'm 90% sure I want to do the Ph.D. I mean, let's be real here - the job market is crap, US credit just got downgraded, I don't want to work on cash-cow drugs (i.e. insulin, statins, etc. for the chronically diabetic, obese, and nutritionally ignorant US population), I'm sick to death of dealing with anything related to bioreactors, and...I have a Bachelor's in bioengineering. It only took me a Master's to realize I could give a rat's ass about producing more pills that ultimately don't work, but there it is. If I am going to be a scientist, damn it, I would like to do something I can actually get behind.

I believe that as of today Bill Nye is my idol. There's a man who has done some seriously cool shit. I want to get on TV and teach kids about science, too. That would be a blast.

Anyway, not sure where a Ph.D. fits in there, but considering I would get a stipend, free tuition, and would be doing research as opposed to making bacterial culture medium in a bunny suit/gray cubicle, I think that riding out the recession in grad school sounds like a reasonable option. People have all these horror stories about how being a grad student sucks, but I don't see how being a corporate prisoner is any better. A failed or poorly funded Ph.D. and being stuck with a job you hate are both worst-case scenarios and they both make me want to kill myself, so the hell with it, honestly.

I feel that I am about to do something insane. Like maybe run screaming through town in a zebrafish costume with gold-sprayed styrofoam balls glued to my head to represent that new-aged nanotechnology I NEED TO GET TO WORK.

Nerd rage. Yes indeed. I have it.

Clearly my meltdown is not over.

grad school, real life

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