Good night, 2008.

Jan 10, 2009 18:14

As always, the year flew by. I had a lot of ups, a lot of downs and a lot of simple and complicated. 2008 started out with a fairly new job that I love even more in 2009. I lost love in the form of Henri in a way I'm sadly far too familiar with in prior relationships. I dated a lot. A LOT. I gained a few amazing friends out of it, some incredible memories and experiences (some hilarious, some just not right, some unnecessary) and even a book idea. ... but I foresee 2009 being less. Less is more for me when it comes to relationships. I think some tend to think I can't be bothered where it's really that I just like to keep it that simple. There's something to be said about the fact that I was completely happy in a relationship that lasted four years in which we saw each other only a few weeks out of the year. I've learned that even with two nieces in my life already, the arrival of my nephew Asa shows that your heart can expand further than you thought you had the capacity for. I struggled financially some days and lived high others. I spent my weekends in Bloomington and my weeks in Evansville. I went to Nashville and had the most memorable trip of 2008 as well as a acquired a most dear friend and some of my favorite photography. I read so many books that had I owned all of them, I'd already have the beginnings of a great library. I fell in love with the library and visit it more often than I visit family, something I hope to balance in 2009. The book and movie that have had the most profound impact on my life in 2008 would be Into the Wild. I've always had a travel itch. I'm comfortable and excited by being in a place where home isn't near, the language is not familiar and I become the foreigner. ... but now, the ideas of leather and rubber tramping it have seeped their way through my mind and heart to the extent that I have not gone a single day without planning my future in traveling in some form. I moved from Evansville's downtown historical art district to right smack in the middle of Mount Vernon's busiest school district. The move may be the main contribution to my sudden burst in all things literary. I gained the desire to move to Bloomington, possibly for my future permanent home base. I watched my sister acquire more strength and forgiveness in her heart than that of any historical hero. I learned to play RISK and officially accepted my long-suggested title of nerd. I lost over fifty pounds. I shed in fat, the weight of a 2nd grader. Although I took the steps in making myself child-free with an IUD, in a sense, I had my first kid in sheer weight loss. I lost touch with some old friends but gained clarity with new ones. I miss Long Beach more than I ever missed the entire state of Indiana. I certainly miss my friends in Long Beach, the ones that became my family in Long Beach. I encountered the first major repairs my car would need in the four years I've earned it. All in all, 2008 was a good year. Good for experience and finding oneself. But I am happy to put it behind me.

Before two weeks have passed in 2009, I have already found that financial strictness and regularity will not only have my car paid off by summer, if not sooner, but also have most of my school loans resolved. 2009 will be tight but will also be the year I hit financial freedom. I can stop daydreaming about traveling again and actually make the plans. Perfect timing for 2010 will add another week of vacation to my docket from work. 2009 will show my nephew turning 1, my nieces turning 3 and 6. Myself edging closer to 30 and for the first time in the past seven years, a lack of fear nearing the age. As far as love goes, I will keep myself submerged and surrounded by those that have and will always love me. Although I do desire to find someone to share my life with, I already have that today. Adding to that is always welcome but never a desperation. I am not incapable of falling in love again, I just haven't. I've kept my heart closed away tightly, protecting it from any chance of a downfall again, but I think 2009 will have me relaxing the hold I have on myself but also not pushing for anything. If love finds me, it will simply be because it found me.

Good night, 2008. Welcome home, 2009.
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