twilight fangirl & perfume

Jan 19, 2009 18:05

So i am a GIANT twilight fangirl! I dont know HOW this happened! Just all of the sudden im like blee blah blee twilight this twilight that! i think its because i downloaded the score and that makes me think of it all the time...

well, today i was at borders and they had the twilight perfume (wich i thought was only available at hot topic??) its supposed to smell like lavender and freesia. i pick it up and sniff the bottle smells like ASS! stinky perfumey ASS! so im like well maybe its because of the alcohol and once that evaporates, it wont be so bad... so i spray a tiny bit on my wrist and its like HOOOO BOY! its really strong!!!! and it did fade a tiny bit but even after washing some of it off with water (i wanted to leave a little on to have gary smell it) i can still smell it from way at the end of my it smells like overly perfumed soap.

so im thinking, if this is supposed to smell like bella, no wonder edward plugged his nose against the stench in the movie! (though on another fangirlly note, now anytime gary or i jokingly say the other one stinks, we reply with "aww i love you too babe!" hehe)
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