Jan 18, 2006 22:16
I should be doing either: a)reading Danile Deronda for British Lit, b)
re-reading Great Gatsby for Lost Generation Writers, c) looking up
definitons for French words or d) sleeping becuase I've had another
long day. Instead, I'm wasting time to update all of you wonderful
people on my life.
Lost Generation Writers TTH 10-11:30 a.m. -- Cool list of books. Cool Professor. Cute guy next to me. Might bea good class this semester
Intro to Creative Writing: Fiction
TTH 11:30 -1 p.m. -- I have this "strong, independent Black
woman" as my professor. She seems like a chill person, but she is
very blunt in her opinions and beliefs about writing. She went off on
this tangent about her "hot, sexy British husband" and warned all of us
-- including men-- not to hit on him if we ever met him. She looked at
me when she said that. First piece of advice she gave us was to
"develop a tough skin" because supposedly she has "made peopole cry"
white critiquing their work. I don't know what to expect of this class.
It seems that everyone -- except for me -- has been published in some
book, periodical or journal. Am I in at a disadvantage because everyone
has been published before? I felt intimitated by a lot of them when
they talked about themselves. I felt so plain, so common, so "normal"
beside them.
French TTH 1-2:30 p.m. -- I
have a ridiculous professor for my French class. She has a heavy Desi
accent and she teaches French. We began by going over the
syllabus and classroom etiqutte.
"Please, I beg all of you. Turn off your mobile phones during class. I
don't want to see you doing the IM thingy or Chatting or e-mailing with
your phones either. IM-ing, I believe it is a waste of time, money and
mind capacity. I am glad I don't use technology that often because I
would have no idea on what to do with that IM thingy."
After that, we started with basic conversation skills
Commet t'appelle tu?
Je m'applle Christian.
After 20 minutes of writing down notes and pronouncing the commands,
the professor asked all of us to stand up and mingle with each
other. Out of nowhere, the professor said,
"OK, c'mon now. Don't be shy now. Say 'hi' to everybody. Oh my, oh my, oh my! It is like a big party up in here."
I love me some crazy foreigners!
Copy editing for The Daily Cougar
Sunday, TTH 5 -12:45 a.m. -- It was my first day of work for The Daily
Cougar, UH's newspaper, and I think it went pretty well. The
senior staff seems pretty chill, the work load wasn't that bad and time
flew by quickly. It was nice to be involved in something (like
yearbook) with cool people. The night's conversational topics included
bongs from apples, my love letter to Wendy from Wendy's, how Wendy's
makes its chili (which is quite gross), movies we cried in, my bad
jokes, my stories and wierd story involving the movie Final Destination
and someone losing their virginity. Hopefully this trend shall
continue and there wont be a lot of drama.
International Relations MW
1-2:30 p.m. -- I am surronded by ghetto, white kids. There's this one
kid next to me -- I think he's a football player and he wears these
obnoxiously, large white sunglasses on the back of his head. They
reminded me of those large, black Dolce & Gabana (sp?) sunglasses
many people wear. I just want to break them or tell the guy to fucking
put them on right! The professor seems nice, but I think he would
benefit of sleeping with somone (NOT ME!). He seems too uptight
and I think exploring the space with someone would make him more chill.
British Lit MW 2:30-4 p.m. --
the proffesor came to the classroom only wearing a biker's outfit and a
helmet. he handed out the syllabus, told us to read Danile Deronda, a
800 page book, by next Wednesday. After a quick introduction of
himself, the professor he to go biking with this wife. On a side
note, I am one of three guys in this class. Perhaps I should dabble
with women again?
Well kids, I hope everyone is having as much fun (or pain) as me. Good luck everyone in 2006!