
Jul 12, 2006 19:40

Only the aspect that’s aware of perfect self-similarity with all there is, passes through quantum event that negates time. And that perfect resonance between equal opposites, where good and evil merge in order to create larger good is feeling of love - being one with all there is (or being one with another). Only resonant waves merge, non-resonant waves cancel each other out of existence. It’s truth in physical or spiritual sense. Retribution means extinction of both sides, while only love survives. Love is synonymous with awareness and knowledge and fear with ignorance - one is self-similar and resonant, while other is incoherent and deviant. Love surmounts time and fear expires with it. Fear is generated by materialism and love by truth beyond. And that’s why forgiveness or non-judgmental approach is of essence not for sake of being “good” but for sake of one’s own survival. Judgmental attitude reflects inner ignorance and fear where own subjective interpretation precedes one’s own (non-interpretable) truth. Only through subjectivity and materialism one aspect can appear as different from another, one as more real than another and/or one more right than another. Sounds familiar? It’s cycle perpetuated in time but with end of time it’s the end of cycle of brutality and learning through tribulation. Reality is not what’s perceived but what is not and wisdom is learning not through perception and experience but trough what’s not perceived and not experienced. Wisdom disposes of need to learn through trial and error (tribulation). It’s a gentle way of learning.

That’s why principles of Christianity are essential guide to overcome one’s own need for tribulation. Christianity reveals fractal (self-similar) nature of reality (which canonical interpretations obscure by giving it a subjective interpretation and therefore distorts its purpose by perpetuating ignorance instead of promoting perfect open-mindedness and attainment of knowledge devoid of speculative beliefs). Dogma is judgmental - it breeds intolerance and violence and it’s not Christianity. Christianity is karmic principle, because self-similarity is causative principle. Any spiritual teaching that’s exclusive is not true reflection of reality because reality is inclusive (all is one and one is all). You cannot be Christian without being Moslem and Hindu and Buddhist (and atheist) at the same time. Nor can you be Moslem without being Christian etc. You either are or are not and if you are than you are all of it. You either love or hate - if you love than all is one, but if you hate than one is different than another. Truth is one and it transcends in its non-locality all local differences by being nexus of all of them. Call it fractality, Christianity, Tao, Egyptian book of dead or whatever, because it’s not in the name but beyond it - it’s in understanding and compassion. It’s in forgiveness, because only forgiveness clears inertion of one’s own ignorance and opens the mind for larger truth - and there is no need to be religious about it, because it’s simple prerequisite of survival. It’s reality.
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