Inspired by Sarah Darah and what is clearly my blatant need to get laid (sorry, Mom & Dad - avert your eyes), I present to you the Top Ten List of Celebrities I Would Be Happily Be Caught With Any Time in the Midst of Embarassing Hanky Panky by the Paparazzi...
Possibly at the tippy top of my list for the rather embarassing reason of having played the most endearing character, Malcom Reynolds (aka Cap't. Tightpants):
Nathan Fillion.
And for dripping testosterone despite the fact that he absolutely butchered the Phantom of the Opera:
Gerry Butler. Ahhhhh to know you will live on forever in cinematic history with those ripped abs. Immortality.
Possibly the longest-running member of the elite top ten who made me swoon when I was technically too young to swoon... and that's a little disturbing... in Patriot Games:
Sean Bean. He can be in my fellowship any day. ... ah-ha, ah-ha. *punches self*
Having been won over from a kind of indifference bordering on active dislike by The Tudors and August Rush, I proudly add:
Jonathan Rhys Meyers to the list.
Not just on account of the Batman fame (yes, I was one of the creepy few totally mesmerized by American Psycho):
Christian Bale.
The next man has recently skyrocketed to the top of the near-top of the list, for despite a somewhat baby-faced look that is not usually my type, he rocks the socks (or pants... be that as it may...) off dancing. I could watch him dance forever, I'm pretty sure:
Usher. Excuse me a moment.
Okay, and we're back with a burning ring of fire:
Oh yes. Joaquin Phoenix.
Possibly the strangest addition but who holds his place quite firmly on account of the absolute adoration I have for Ari Gold:
Jeremy Piven.
He whose following picture I chose to assert that I was one of the people who noticed him long before Wanted (which I think we can all agree sucked), The Last King of Scotland (which I think we can all agree absolutely ruled), and Atonement (which I think most of us are pretty ambivalent about except as regards the totally hot library scene):
James McAvoy.
And what list could possibly be complete without:
Johnny Depp.
And that's a wrap. Now I challenge the rest of you! Spill it! Who's on your list?