Jan 29, 2009 01:50
Hello readers,
so I've been getting tons of messages about things that i would recommend and lots of recommendations. So thanks and i will try to do as many as i can :)
So this week i had the idea of trying different candies. If you haven't heard of 5below before its any awesome store. A lot of people say its like an awesome version of the dollar store and i would agree if the dollar store was even on a close level of awesome that 5below is. So anyways 5below sells lots of random fun shit and they have all these old fashioned candies that we never hear of anymore. so me and my best friend Bob decided to try them out. on the list are a few not so old but i thought i should share how amazing or horrible some are.
1 - terrible never put that shit in your mouth cause thats what it is shit!
2 - bad but not the worse thing you've ever picked off the floor
3- blah not bad but not great
4- pretty good
5- fabulous!
Razzles (first a candy then a gum) : interesting.. honestly the candy part does not last that long. you can't chew it right away cause it gets chalky you have to let it dissolve for a while and then start chewing. its pretty good. Rating: 4
Muddy bears (chocolate covered gummy bears): SHITTY! the gummy bear was good but the chocolate tasted cheap as hell. if you like chocolate covered candy (gummy bears) then i would highly suggest going to the candy heaven (there is one at tysons) and getting those cause they are pretty damn good. Rating: 2
White tic tacs (white mints): so much fun! honestly they are the first candy i think i can call adorable. they really are your favorite 1 calorie candy! and their easy and go by fast. AND they come in several flavors and colors :) Rating: 5
Kit Kats (chocolate covered cracker) AMAZING! loved it! i can't say much more then that they were delicious. Rating: 5
Crunch (chocolate crunchy bar): ...honestly not bad but boring. Rating: 3
Swedishfish (gummy fish): ok i've heard sooo many things about them being so effin amazing and i have to say that they are pretty good. And they actually taste nice for a gummy cause you always eat those gummys that just taste like rubber... well i guess i can't assume everyone has but i have tasted some pretty boring plastic tatsting gummies and swedishfish were pretty good. Rating: 4
Dove Dark chocolate bars (fancy dark choclate): if you like dark chocloate then yes they are good. They taste like real choclate too not the shitty cheap stuff people put fancy prints on. Very rich and deep. Rating: 4
SpongeBob Kraby Patty (Kraby Patty shaped gummy): Ok this one was hard cause i was a little biased but i love spongebob and i think spongebob products are awesome but to be completely honest it was dreadfully disgusting. they tasted like rubbery plastic or cheap gummies. Rating: 1
Chocolate covered sunflower seeds (ok i don't have an offical name cause i totally forgot it and am sure there are different brands): delicious! even if you don't like sunflower seed they are pretty good. am not the biggest fan of sunflower seeds and i still find myself craving for a box of them. Highly recommended. Rating: 5