01. The first character I fell in love with: Nine! I started with the New Who, and I've never looked back. 02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Donna, for sure. When we met her in the Runaway Bride I thought she was shrill and irritating. Now, I love her sass. 03. The character I would shag anytime: The Doctor. All of him. 04. The character I'd slap: Sometimes I want to give Martha a slap when she's at her most in love with the Doc. Of course, I also want to give him a good smack for ignoring and undervaluing her, so. 05. Who are my 3 favorite characters. The Doctor, Martha, Jack 06. What are my 3 favorite pairings. Hm. I'm not so shippy in Doctor Who, to be honest. I like Doctor/Master and Doctor/Jack/Rose can be fun. 07. Which character you're most like. Martha, maybe, with a little bit of Ten thrown in. 08. The coolest thing about the canon: Timey Wimey. 09. The lamest thing about the canon: Missing chunks of old skool stuff. 10. My guiltiest pleasure in this fandom: oh, I'm shameless. Nothing is a guilty pleasure. ;) 11. What story I wish I could read: Nine, before he met Rose. 12. What story I wish I had written/still want to write: Martha and the Doctor in 1969
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Donna, for sure. When we met her in the Runaway Bride I thought she was shrill and irritating. Now, I love her sass.
03. The character I would shag anytime: The Doctor. All of him.
04. The character I'd slap: Sometimes I want to give Martha a slap when she's at her most in love with the Doc. Of course, I also want to give him a good smack for ignoring and undervaluing her, so.
05. Who are my 3 favorite characters. The Doctor, Martha, Jack
06. What are my 3 favorite pairings. Hm. I'm not so shippy in Doctor Who, to be honest. I like Doctor/Master and Doctor/Jack/Rose can be fun.
07. Which character you're most like. Martha, maybe, with a little bit of Ten thrown in.
08. The coolest thing about the canon: Timey Wimey.
09. The lamest thing about the canon: Missing chunks of old skool stuff.
10. My guiltiest pleasure in this fandom: oh, I'm shameless. Nothing is a guilty pleasure. ;)
11. What story I wish I could read: Nine, before he met Rose.
12. What story I wish I had written/still want to write: Martha and the Doctor in 1969
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