Feb 25, 2004 17:35
im back to having a starbucks blueberry scone pretty reguarly after school each day, but there was something about today's scone. maybe it was just that things are going really well for me right now and who doesnt enjoy a nice scone when their sitting on top of the world? or maybe it was the extra sugar on top. who can really say? so, today went a little something like this:
-morning rutine
-got to school around 7:15
-avoided my english teacher because i didnt hand in my qoute journal for macbeth yet
-exposed my film in photo, have to start project all over
-wow, im a freaking idiot
-lunch was fun, the love has been restored at our table
-saw jason in the hall for like 0.002 sec
-did some other stuff
-helped foley post "spring semi-formal" flyers all over school...so chances are next time your walking around school and you see a spring semi-formal flyer, i helped it get there.
just for the record...the only reason i chose the mood i did was because the smiley for it has an eye patch like a pirate.