Title: Five Times Reid Slept with a Friend, and One Time It was Something More
Author: SevenCorvus
Fandom: Criminal Minds/CSI/Numb3rs/Lewis/Dexter/Hannibal
Pairing/Character: Reid/Grissom, Reid/Charlie, Reid/Hathaway, Reid/Dexter, Reid/Hannibal, Reid/Hotch
Rating: pg
Prompt: I think Reid has a healthy, if somewhat covert, sex life. Reid and a lover or lovers from any case.
Kink: Promiscuity. Sex as healing.
Warnings: slash, no real spoilers
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except in my dreams.
Word Count: 966
Author's Notes: Written for ROK. I'm not quite sure where some of these pairings came from, but I hope you enjoy. Feedback is love and will be rewarded with cookies (and smut).
Five Times Reid Slept with a Friend, and One Time It was Something More