Title: Shiver 1/3
Author: SevenCorvus
Fandom: Person of Interest
Pairing/Character: Finch/Reese
Rating: pg-13 (this part)
Warnings: slash, spoilers for Risk
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except in my dreams.
Word Count: 134
Author’s Notes: This part written for
marbleglove, hope you like. Bonus points to anyone who recognizes the reference. This is the first of what will likely be three parts. The next part should be up soon. Feedback is love and will be rewarded with cookies (and smut).
Reese wasn’t sure what exactly he had done to deserve this torture. All he could think was control yourself, control yourself, think of something else, control yourself. He held back an involuntary whimper at Finch kneeling in front of him, his head far too close to Reese’s crotch.
Finch had to know what he was doing to him, had to know the kind of temptation he presented in such a position. Reese had to lock his muscles in place to keep from reaching down and adjusting the arousal he was sure must be visible behind his well tailored suit. Spending all that time adjusting the cuffs of his slacks, Finch had to be torturing him on purpose. Well two could play at that game. If Finch wanted a shiver, he’d give him a shiver.