These are short snippets of fics I'm currently working on, please vote in the
poll or comment for what you're interested in reading.
Morgue (Methos/Grissom)
As any immortal can tell you, waking up in a morgue is never fun. Forget about the fact that you’ve just died; probably losing another identity in the process, there’s also the matter of getting out of the morgue without dying again or dealing with freaked out or far too curious people.
Control (Mac/Don)
It was hard for Mac to give up control. It wasn’t just trusting another person enough to have hand over control to them. It was not having control himself.
He liked being in control, liked being able to know what was going on with his people, being able to watch out for them, take care of them. He had always been that way, though he tried not be too overbearing. Claire’s death just made things worse, it was so unexpected, unpredictable. He knew that there was nothing he could have done, but that just made things worse. That helplessness, that fear, made him even more controlling. He hoped that as long as he could control what was in his power, as long as his people followed his lead, he could keep them safe.
Masks (Leverage/Watchmen)
He didn’t see what the big deal was. After all, it’s not like any of the others had shared much of their personal lives or their past. Heck, they didn’t even know Parker or Sophie’s real names. And sure some of those things might end up coming back to bite them, but he would never do anything to hurt Elliot.
Ok, so he hadn’t told any of them about his slightly psychotic over protective pseudo brother. But hey, Rorschach had really come through for them on this last case, providing some desperately needed aid.
Thank You
It tore something inside of him every time. For without fail, every single time he and Sherlock slept together, Sherlock would tell him thank you before sliding off into an after glow induced sleep. It drove him crazy. He just couldn’t figure it out. Why would Sherlock say thank you to him, John Watson, every time they had sex.
Sometimes he truly hated his military training and experiences. Not for his wounded shoulder, or psychosomatic limp. Not for the things he saw, or the lives he couldn’t save. But for the self-control he gained.
Sherlock Holmes:
What do you think? (sequel to
Unexpected (Sherlock Holmes/Iron Man movie!verse) “What do you think?”
It was to be honest a fair question and one that he was frequently asked, even by this very man, but the context of which was enough to leave him silent. He could detail the many steps in his deductions, speak eloquently about his latest scientific research, but anything regarding emotion left him lost. Not that he would have admitted there was emotion involved even a few years ago, but being with Watson had changed him, maybe even for the better.
Pool (movie!verse magic au)
He’d always told Watson never to theorize without facts, that inevitably one begins to twist fact to suit theory, instead of theory to suit fact. Though he’d agreed with Watson that one shouldn’t automatically discount the possibility of supernatural explanations. He had known beyond a shadow of a doubt that that wasn’t the case here.
Plain (book!verse)
It’s not that he was never wrong, but such instances were few and far between and he had long since learned to trust his judgment and intuition. He was still a scientist and thus open to adjusting his theories based on new data, but when it came to people he was not accustomed to revising his opinions. Therefore, it came as a great surprise when his views of Watson shifted quite dramatically.
Star Trek 2009 Reboot:
He was sure people wouldn’t believe him if he told them, but he had never wanted to be captain. He had wanted to make an impact, to have some sort of effect on the universe, to somehow make a difference, however big or small, even if it was never acknowledged, but at least he would know, and maybe then his father’s sacrifice wouldn’t have been a complete waste. And he had done that, accomplished something, even if he could have done better, he had done what he had set out to do when he had joined Star Fleet, and what was he supposed to do now.