So last weekend at work (well, after work), some crackhead ripped me off for $50. I guess it was my own dumb fault for buying cocaine, and especially off a crackhead... but whatever. Cocaine makes me not want to kill myself, and that's good. Right?
Anyway, tonight I ended up having to work. I just found out the other day and therefore had to cancel my plans to go see Suffocation/Exhumed/Dying Fetus/Uphill Battle tonight in Toronto. I wasn't told until two days ago that I was working tonight, so that gave me no time to find somebody to fill in for me and book the night off.
So back to where I started... last weekend some crackhead ripped me off... tonight one of them threatened to kill me! I was out on the patio during break having a cigarette, and this dude hops over the fence into the patio. You're not supposed to hop over the fence. The patio is a licensed area, with no exit to the street. You're supposed to use the door. So I told the guy he had to leave because he broke the rules. He gave me some attitude and I told him I work there and if he doesn't leave I'm gonna MAKE him leave. He ran in the door into the bar. I chased him down and escorted him to the front door. When he got there he started giving me even more attitude, and wasn't leaving, so I pushed him out the door, and he yelled "don't fucking push me! you want me to shank you?!" and I said YEAH! Fucking shank me bitch! Let's see it! Then he looked all scared and said he was off to get his pimp (yes, this was a DUDE, with a pimp), and him and his pimp was gonna come back and kill me. Haha. The joys of working on Elgin Street. It's Sudbury's own little Compton, but instead of black gangsters, it's native crackeads.
The band was good tonight. It was
Immaculate Machine. from Victoria, B.C. I think most of you on my friends list would be into this band, so I suggest checking them out. We're gonna be hearing a lot more from them in the near future. I'm sure of that. They're very unique, but not in the totally off the wall/trying too hard to be original kind of way.
Man... this is the first time in quite a while I've had the place to myself. I thought it would be nice, but I'm all lonely now! I guess, come to think of it, I'm always lonely, but with my roommates here it kinda works as a diversion from how fucking depressed and lonely I am. I feel like dying tonight. I'm sick of being alone and taken advantage of and cheated on by every girl I get close to. Boo. My tail fell off again.