Aloha, Summer

Aug 07, 2012 04:43

Summer's going to end soon. First, more things to post.

Last Sunday was the Aloha Festival. It was held in the North Bay the last couple times but the location was moved to below the peninsula this year. A festival for the celebration of Pacific Islander culture, and what it has become.

This was the line for shaved ice.

The dealer's hall.

I assumed this was referring to Pyke. I later learned the helmet was of an ikaika style, not Greyjoy.

Mini ikaika helms. They look more like shrunken heads, do they not?

The waitlist for this place extended beyond the festival's end.

Sweet designs.

I like eyes and hearts, okay?

Price: more than in my checking account. A large family purchased one of these tikis only to immediately question what to use it for.

Pet harnesses. Least popular booth.

Because regular macadamia nuts weren't fattening enough.

Don't know what this is called, so I'll refer to it as a Gaara gourd.

I didn't think tropical plants would've survived in our current climate.

Even the hipsters stay away from these hats.

Baby bodysuits in the style of a samurai, something, a ninja, and Stocking.

This was the exhibition hall. I arrived late to the festival, so the gigantic space held but three panels.

Behind the boat was a ukelele instruction panel.

I'll upload a video of these guys later. The song they played was a fusion of Latin and Polynesian.

Just a shot of the area.

The walk to the nearest transport sucked.

This update was supposed to come earlier, but I've made it a point to limit computer usage for environmental (and bill) issues. Ironic that I've been on this laptop for the last couple hours, then. Tumblr, man.

More plugs:

pacificpikachu's pacificpikachu. Focus is on animals, physical oddities, and wouldn't you know it? Images I find to be of a questionable nature.

rafira's rafira. Focus is on Homestuck, cosplay, and feminist activism.

nanakibh's flagfighter. Focus is on Vocaloid, her art, and fanfic memes. Somewhat irregular update schedule.

Perchance related to the update schedule is Nana's other site, dedicated to reviews of Vocaloid songs.

Give the girls a Follow!

I absolutely love Gabranth's hair from FFXII. It's quite similar already to the ones used by Paul Walker and Alistair, so I should be able to obtain it. I just need to find a way to get that sideswept look to conjur images of a field of blades. I also need to grow-out some sideburns. And get that tan.

And become a judge.

festival, fashion, tumblr, fandom, buddies

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