Jan 01, 2006 12:12
new years 2006. whoa big woop
well to be honest.. i never found the new years to be that significant
so the numbers change? ..? but as expected
i'll do a little review of good ol' 2005
let's be honest, i wasn't exactly social
at all up until march or so
i was still with johnny
and still madly in love, yikez
my brother and i finally became somewhat close
art really took ahold of me
and it was all i did
i started talking to rachel
therefore i found .. everything out
johnny and i broke up
two days after our
two years six months anniversary
will started sitting with me 4th period free
therefore i became really good friends with him
jacquie again, hannah, scott etc etc
i started going to therapy again
i still liked johnny
i was a secretary at Coldwell Banker
nat will brian and i started hanging out
i visited savannah school of art and design
realized i was going to college soon
i finally got my permit
i thought i was over johnny
i was pretty much obsessed with my psych and us class
mr herds 8th period us history class was the best thing
that had ever happened
i started hanging out with bean
i turned seventeen
i went to junior prom with chet
second period studio3 was amazing
javan and i started freaking out
we were leaving in barely a month!
nat will brian and i hung the majority of the time
we had the best group
skewl ended
we had a campout outside my house in the tent
we watched saw, will slept inside ha
i started to like brian
i started to pack my things up
javan and i left for san francisco for six weeks
i was in san francisco!
sae 05 woop
taking photography, drawing and comp, painting and mural painting
i felt so independent it was retarded
i met some of the greatest people
and literally had the best time
javan and i fought every day, what else is new
i met danielle who lives by/knows johnny wierdest first meeting
my brother and his friends were in berkley
we became really close, he really acted like an older brother
i went back to pennsylvania ..
as good as it was, i really couldn't stop crying on the way home
i wasn't ready to leave yet
it was hot!!
reunited with the crew
sea isle with nat will and brian
i'm not gonna lie.. best beach week ever
julia and i hung out for basically the rest of the summer straight
we became beeestest friendz
i was basically never home
brian and i hung out a lot
i slowly began to realize nothing was going to happen
i also realized i still liked johnny
but couldn't admit it to myself or anyone for that matter
school started
my schedule was easy as hell
the lunch crew formed
nothing special
became friends with matt shanlee and goon
basically because of julia being a myspace god
won most artistic with javan ha
fifth period free
scenesterz and emo kidz
homecoming with william ahha
halloween, rough beginning
matt shanlee ashley eric liz dorris jeremy eventually julia haha
baby crush on eric! haha mm
sweet god i got my license
danielle's birthday party!!
jen eric william danielle javan and i reunited woop sae
got a job at bertuccis
fell in love with tyler matt blair jim etc etc
new york and fifty five pluzerz with bean!
... still haven't done college appz
started liking johnny
doing horrible in school - senioritis?
not really home at all
with julia, lauren, steph, meg, matt, will, javan or
working woop.
whooaaa wierd.
top 1o albums?
1o "Takk" Sigur Ros
9 "Who Will Cut Out Hair When We're Gone" The Unicorns
8 "Black Sheep Boy" Okkervill River
7 "I Sold Gold" Aqueduct
6 "I Am A Bird Now" Antony and the Johnsons
5 "Feels" Animal Collective
4 "In Case We Die" Architecture in Helsinki
3 "Picaresque" The Decemberists
2 "Twin Cinema" The New Pornographers
1 "Illinois" Sufjan Stevens
top 5 tv shows?
5 Nip/Tuck
4 Gilmore Girls
3 Family Guy
2 Curb Your Enthusiasm
1 The OC
top 5 shows?
5 The Steve Miller Band
4 Moving Units
3 The Format
2 Beck & Le Tigre
1 Rilo Kiley & Le Tigre
top 5 most significant places
5 d'ambrosios park
4 juliaz house
3 sea isle city, new jersey
2 new eagle elementary school
1 1o55 pine street, san francisco
top 5 sayings
5 alright i have to add it "MYSPACE PIC!"
4 "faggot"
3 "what's your deal"
2 "you sick fuck"
1 "is that some kind of sick joke"
top 5 reasons why i love mer
5 she's an amazing note writer (i got like 5 pages once!)
4 field hockey woop - twin day
3 she made out with fahey hahahahha woo love you!
2 she goes to shows with me!
1 because of pie <3.14
give me other top fivez or tenz or whichever number you like!
i'll edit when you do woop.
give me more top listz come on!! they're so fun