May 13, 2007 12:09
Well, well I have officially joined the ranks of sad bastardness considering I watched the Eurovision song contest last night but don't judge, it's like a car crash you just gotta look haven't you?
Trust me I didn't intend my Saturday night to end this tragically, this was purely down to lack of cash, busy friends and no films on TV. It's been a few years since I last watched any smidgen of Eurovision arse pap and even I was stunned, I mean God, it's really gay isn't it? Has it always been this gay? It just seems to be getting gayer, then again I don't think I knew what gay was until I saw this. Consider my gayness officially topped up.
The contest ended with a big up to Serbian lesbians everywhere and that shiny costumed Ukrainian drag queens however amusing and eternally Eurotrash cannot beat a prayer belting Serbian dyke who looks suspiciously like Jack Osbourne.
UK did awfully and they deserved too...I mean come on I don't care if we fell victim to Eastern Block voting or that the Eurovision is full of politics...WE WERE CRAP! And deserved every non point we got. Still my criticisms are biting me in the ass, considering when I went to bed last night all I could hear in my head was 'Flying the flag for yoooooouuu'. Pass the aural bleach please!
And that was my Saturday night, I hope yours was a damn sight better.