Dec 26, 2006 18:37
Bleh, I’m absolutely shattered, the past few days (every year) are always busy for me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My birthday on Friday was amazing after the unpleasantries were dusted (hospital and blood test), I was treated to lunch at Red and dined on some pan fried duck in an orange and parsnip mash. Yummy! I was also equally as delighted to receive two very cool books on Tokyo from Dom, I haven’t had chance to spend time reading/looking through them yet but will do tonight. Had to leave Red in a jiffy though to get back home before Simmy arrived for a night out in Hanley, get a bath and change. Met up with everyone in Fat Cats which was completely filled with drunken knob heads celebrating finishing work for the Xmas period, after everyone arrived (Kate, Paul, Simmy, Leon and Rachel) we decided to promptly move on to the next drinking hole. We moseyed over to Pink which was a lot quieter and with easier/quicker access to the bar! Finished off a few drinks and sambuca’s in the Tuns and finished the night off at The Club. Definitely wasn’t as busy in there as I thought it would be and the DJ can’t take a song request and fucking play it to save his life, still there was moments of pure genius or perhaps it sounded good because I was pissed?
The night after we got pissed/stoned at Leon’s. Usually we just have a few drinks and a few smokes but it kinda turned into a party, took my laptop over to make some CD’s for Leon and ended up taking many requests of ‘play some filthy, deeerrrty music please’. Kate was on her usual top humorous form, Mel and Ben (plus friends) made an appearance and Rachel got everyone dancing into the wee hours in the morning. Fantastic night again.
Xmas eve was mainly spent recovering from the night before and watching the usual Xmas TV.
This year, I was invited to Xmas dinner at Rachel’s with her and her family. Truth be told, if it wasn’t for her I probably would have had an Xmas day alone (although after I told Kate I was going to Rach’s for dinner, she said I was always welcome around hers). Typically Xmas dinner is often a family event and with my family not necessarily being a family or one that I regard as a family, Christmas this year was always going to be a difficult time of the year but yesterday was nothing but sheer overwhelming joy. Everyone who came to Xmas dinner at Rachel’s was extremely welcoming and friendly, sort of reminisce of the Christmas days I used to know when I was only a wee child. After a delicious starter and main course, Rach’s family have a tradition of exchanging gifts at the table. I cannot describe my surprise of receiving gifts from everyone at the table, the majority I have never even met before in my life. It was so unexpected, I really didn’t know what to say, I definitely did not feel like a stranger but someone appreciated to be there. It was a crying shame I had to leave early (around 10pm) to take my weekly dose of medication, I really did not want to leave. Was a really special day and I’m ever so grateful.