Welcome to the Seven Seasons ficathon! Thought this place was closed? Think again! We have a new and exciting Spuffy-fic-writing extravaganza, and I, your newly appointed mod, am going to introduce you to the rules. Firstly, let me thank
megan_peta for letting me help plot, coordinate, and design how this thing would run. Also for making me a part of the administration. I’ve done behind-the-scenes stuff for eons now-it’s great to be an official member of the team.
The ficathon is slightly unconventional from those with which you might be familiar. Instead of asking you what you do or don’t like or what you will or won’t write, we only ask the following…
Your story MUST begin with one of the following lines:
1) She'd gone as far as she could go; the door at the end of the hall was locked.
2) The sound of crunching bone was nothing compared to the man's screams.
3) Her voice echoed down the dark corridor. There was no answer.
4) Though she couldn't see him, she knew her words had rattled him.
5) It was the largest beast she'd ever seen, and she'd seen some large ones.
6) She knew the stench of blood.
7) It didn't matter that she knew she could toss him across the room in a blink. He was so quiet. So tempered. So deadly. She knew well how he fought.
8) Saying the words aloud made everything real.
9) She'd been watching him all night, just as he'd watched her.
10) Spike stepped forward, which proved to be a mistake.
11) They hadn't had much chance to speak at all, let alone discuss the events that had spanned the past twelve hours.
12) He knew there was absolutely no way he could stop her now.
13) Did he want to sit here and bide his time, or did he want to take a gut chance and confront his new Slayer?
14) There had to be a mistake.
15) When she opened her eyes, the shadows were still there.
16) If there was one thing she knew, it was that Spike couldn't be trusted.
17) She was so over the missions. Giles and his missions were going to be the death of her.
18) She swore to God, this thing between Xander and Angel was rubbing her last nerve-until a bleached blonde in leather swept across her vision.
19) Every. Thing. Hurt. Soon as she could move Buffy was totally going to beat the stuffing out of Spike and leave him out to talk to the sun.
20) Willow dug some more in her closet and pulled out a blood red shawl. "How about this? Will this do?"
Likewise, your submission must abide by the following:
Prompts (Choose one, but see if you can do all three)
- Giles endlessly searches for a spatula.
- Mention of the movie Howard the Duck.
- Xander must say the line, "Oh my God, that is huge!" in reference to a male character.
- Spike/Buffy is a must. This is a Spuffy community, after all. To not have this rule would be rather silly.
- Seasons 2-5. Season 6 and 7 are barred from this round because a lot of the provided lines would be easy to tack onto a Season 6 or 7 story, and we think it'd be more fun if you had to wrestle with it.
- AUs welcome, but keep it within a mystical world (i.e, one where vampires, et al still exist).
- Minimum length is 5000 words. Maximum length is up to you. If you want to write the hell out of this ficathon, we welcome it.
- You’re free to tackle as many of these starter-lines as you want. The more submissions we get, the happier we’ll be.
- Your submissions MUST include the following information in the subject heading: YOUR NAME, YOUR STORY’S TITLE
- The following information MUST be made in the body of the post:
o Warnings
o Disclaimers
o Spoilers, if applicable
o Pairings
o Rating
- All entries must be placed behind an lj-cut. However, you are free to do “teasers,” so long as the teaser contains G-rated material.
You are free to begin with ANY of the 20 lines. However, there are deadlines set throughout the ficathon after which certain lines will officially retire, meaning stories submitted after the deadline will not be considered for the poll or by the judges.
Lines 1-7: September 15 - October 15
Lines 8-15: September 15 - November 15
Lines 15-20: September 15 - December 15
The ficathon will end officially on December 16. A reader’s choice poll will go up shortly, and, pending on how advantageous
megan_peta and I are feeling at the time, we might even formally judge the submissions to provide Judge’s Choice awards. That decision will be made at a later date.
Important note: Your story doesn’t need to be finished by the time the ficathon ends, but the more we have to see, the more popular you’ll be among readers, which will better your chances in the reader’s choice poll. Likewise, if you choose a line that retires before your story is complete, no worries. As long as a story was started before a line was retired, you’re in the good.
The winners won’t be announced until after the holidays, but the poll WILL close before Christmas.
Sign-ups start today! You don’t have to tell us what lines you want or anything-just give us a name and an email address. The rest is up to you.