The voices have gone. I no longer hear their constant, overwhelming clamour. At first,
tuvok's voice was just one among many, but as
paristorres reduced the power of the vinculum, I was able to distinguish him from the assimilated voices. My resistance had been weakened to a point where the voices had almost succeeded in totally suppressing my own individuality. Without
tuvok's assistance, I do not believe I would have been able to recover from the effects of the vinculum even after it had finally been disabled by the dampening field. I am grateful for his intervention, and am aware of the risk he took to render assistance.
kathrynjaneway used the transporter to return the disabled vinculum to space, thereby distracting species 6339 from their attack on Voyager. The ship had sustained damage during the attack, but species 6339 did not continue pursuit once the vinculum had been returned to them. Voyager is once again back on course for the Alpha Quadrant at warp speed, and repairs have begun on damaged systems.
emh believes I will make a full recovery from the effects of the vinculum, although I will require several days of regeneration before I will be fit to return to duty. Before I leave sickbay for my alcove in Cargo Bay 2, I wish to record my thoughts on this incident.
It is unsettling to know that species 6339 intend to destroy as many drones as possible with the infected vinculum. Although I am no longer connected to the Collective, part of me is still Borg. To know that thousands, perhaps millions of drones will suffer as I did before destroying themselves is not easy to accept. I know that Captain
kathrynjaneway had no other choice than to return the infected vinculum to species 6339 when Voyager was under attack, but I would have preferred to neutralize the pathogen before the device left the ship.