(no subject)

Jul 11, 2006 19:57

April (my roomate) has finally caught on to a fact that we've all known for years. I love to look at myself in the mirror. Driectly across the room from my desk, there is a full length mirror on our closet door. I am at my desk a lot, studying and being busy online, etc. I therefore look at myself in this mirror, well, April says once every five minutes or so. I am addicted to my own reflection. Not because I'm in love with myself, but because I like watching mirror me dancing around the room, or sipping my coffee, or simply typing away. I like to see mirror me raise her eyebrow and scratch her chin, like I just did. It;s not creepy, I swear!

Also, I have been dubbed the naked roomate. Me. Modest me. Okay, maybe I'm not modest. But I'm not an exhibitionist or anything. I simmply don't get embarrassed changing in front of other people. Maybe all those years at Jew camp made me this way, I don't know.

Today I took Samson to the large, Olympic sized pool at the Rec Center and she used a kickboard to swim up and down the 50m lanes as I did the breast stroke in the lane over. We did I think nine or ten laps, which is actually quite a few. I rewarded myself with half a large bag of potato chips. Yep, I'm healthy.

Billy's really gone now. I think at this exact moment he is in a plane somewhere near Israel, or else getting off that plane and being in Israel. I'm jealous and excited and nervous and hopefull for and of him all at once. He better have a damn good time.

I come home Thursday night, bitches. My friend Amanda, whom I was supposed to go home with, has to leave wednesday, and I can't. So she's driving back on Thursday and we're going to chillax at my house for the afternoon before she goes home again. She's fucking solid. Maybe we'll get tea or see a concert or something.
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