Sep 19, 2005 10:44
I have a million things to do today, but I think I'm just going to take it easy. I can do all my massive amounts of homework later, right?
I would really like to go for a nature walk. Is anyone interested? It's an incredibly beautiful day, and the Fall-ness of it needs to be appreciated. Maybe I'll do my math homework and then call someone. I would call Sasha, but she's not in town. I miss her terribly. She so loves nature walks and bike rides and scarves and the like.
I'll call Lauren Cooper. Because she makes excellent conversation, and I think she loves Fall. Although one time she answered a survery question with, "My favorite season is every season when I'm in it." So maybe she has the ability to love Fall very much today.
I want a digital camera. To be a raging narcisist and take loads of pictures of myself. Because I got all these pictures back from my sister's bat mitzvah, and none of them fucking look like how I thought I looked. Maybe it's just the mono. When I visit Matt, I shall use his camera. And I'll take pictures of him, too. Him and nature. Good.
I wonder how early it is acceptable to call people...