(no subject)

Oct 22, 2006 03:52

Title: Disguise
Author: Sevangel
Disclaimer: Not mine-belongs to Joss Whedon
Rating: Adult
Challenge: Rayne-y Halloween

"It's just disappointin' is all." Kaylee pouts.

"Kaylee." Inara places a gentle hand on Kaylee's shoulder.

"They always get to have fun." Kaylee protests. "They're always doin' shiny things and now they get to go to a costume party. And they didn't even dress up."

"Sure they did." Wash argues. "They're criminals."

"They're always criminals." Kaylee protests. "This was their chance to be somethin' different and they didn’t take it."

"Kaylee, I hardly think Zoe, Mal, and Jayne would get the same pleasure from dressing up that you would." Simon says with a smile.

"Which is why I should'va went." Kaylee pouts. "Well, we're gonna have a party here not matter what Mal thinks."

"Party?" Simon questions. "Why?"

"Halloween, silly." Kaylee says.

"All Hallows' Eve." River's fingers run down the railing as she walks slowly down the stairs to the bay floor. "Also known as Hallowmass, hallow meaning holy and mas meaning mass. What was once a day to celebrate the Saint's, has now transcended into a day of tricks or treat."

"C'mon, River, tell Simon we gotta have a party." Kaylee says. "It'll be fun."

"Simon, don't be mean." River scolds her brother. "That will be the captain's job."

"And he does it so well." Inara mutters.

"I think a Halloween party is a wonderful idea, Kaylee." Book says. "If you need help, I would be happy to assist."

"Thanks, Book." Kaylee smiles up at him. "First I gotta do the plannin'."

"You can use my colored pencils if needed." River says. "Simon will show you where."

"Okay." Kaylee snags his arm. "C'mon, Simon, we gotta make invitations."

"Why do we have to make them?" Simon asks as Kaylee drags him out of the bay. "Can't we just tell them?"

"Cause it ain't the same." Kaylee insists.

Inara shakes her head, smiling at Kaylee's excitement over what will probably be nothing more than a dinner.

"River, aren't you going to go help them?" Book asks. "It sounds like it might be fun."

"No time." River drops her arm and walks towards Inara. "Need your help."

"With what, sweetie?" Inara asks.

"A costume." River replies.

"For the party?" Inara questions. "River, I don't think it's going to be a costume party."

"Not for the distraction." River rolls her eyes. "Need a costume for right now."

"Why would…River, you can't go to the party." Inara says. "They're committing crime; you can't go."

"Have to." River argues. "Numbers are wrong; shrill sounds alert the purple coverings and all will be lost."

"Mei-mei, what do you mean?" Inara asks.

"I think she might be saying that the code Badger gave Mal is wrong." Wash says. "And that when he tries to use it, the alarm will go off?"

River nods.

"Yes!" Wash waves a fist in the air. "I can speak genius."

"We'll just have to contact…"

"They can't take any weapons or electrical devices into the party." Wash runs a hand through his hair. "We have to come up with a way to get them out."

"Have one." River says. "Need costume help."

"What kind of plan?" Inara asks suspiciously.

"Simon won't approve." River replies. "The captain either. But Jayne will."

"A plan that Jayne'll approve?" Wash scoffs. "Why do I have the feeling this involves either blowing something up or naked women?"


"River, I should go…" Inara insists once again.

"No." River interrupts. "You will be caught; this is the biggest celebration on Persephone; this disguise will not disguise you."

"This disguise is going to end with Mal shooting me." Wash mutters. "Or Zoe. Probably Zoe."

River rolls her eyes and adjusts the long trench coat Wash borrowed from Zoe for her, around her body. "I will ride back with them."

"How are you going to get in?" Inara asks. "River, we should just go back to the boat and come up with a different plan."

"Yeah, cause we can always break them out of an Alliance holding cell." Wash says sarcastically. "Inara, I don't like it either but River's right, this is the only plan."

"It's a bad plan." Inara says for the record.

"But it's the only plan." Wash says. "Good luck, River."

River nods and climbs out of the mule. She hands the trench coat back to Wash and runs ahead to blend in with the group of 'entertainers' now entering the back door of the party. No one pays her a second glance and because they're using the back door, she's not scanned as she enters. She flinches at the first outpouring of emotions and thoughts from the crowded building but pushes past them until she finds the familiar quietness of Zoe's thoughts. The solider always calms her; her thoughts and emotions level even in the most chaotic of situations. She breathes a sigh of relief; Zoe is focused on corralling Jayne which means they haven't attempted to break into the safe yet. She briefly fingers the slip of paper with the correct code on it and then follows the other performers into the party room.


"C'mon, Zoe, it ain't goin' no where." Jayne says. "Heard some guys talkin'; there's gonna be dancers up soon."

"Jayne, we have a job to do." Zoe takes the bowl of candy out of his hands and sets it onto the table.

"Mal ain't workin'." Jayne nods his head to where the captain is leaning against the wall.

"He will." Zoe says. "Midnight, remember?"

"Which ain't for a few more minutes." Jayne grabs the bowl back. "Meanwhile, I aim to watch this dancin'."

Zoe shakes her head and walks away from the merc. "Sir, we about ready?"

"Ain't midnight, Zoe." Mal says. "Sides, you know there's going to be dancers up soon?"

Zoe rolls her eyes.

The soft music that was playing ends and a fast paced song starts. The lights in the room dim and the room quiets as more bodies flood in.

Jayne walks over to his crew and leans against the wall beside the captain, holding the bowl of candy out to the captain who takes it. He studies the various bodies movin' around critically, skippin' over the male ones and headin' straight for the females. A busty blonde catches his eye at first but after a moment of watchin', he realizes she ain't a good dancer. Hell, if it weren't for her big tits she'd probably never got the job. If she were a whore, he'd be all over her but when he wants to see a girl dance, he wants to see her dance.

Another girl catches his eye, one he'd never look at twice if she was a whore. For one thing, she's too damn skinny and she ain't got but a handful of tits. But gorram if she can't dance. She's wearin' some kinda belly dancer's thing but it ain't much more than some panties and scarves. And while he wouldn't have sought her out if'n she was a whore, he appreciates the firm, suppleness of her body. Her legs are all kinds of long and pale, hell, he'd bet she'd be able to get a death grip 'round him with those stems. Her belly undulates as she dances, pale skin lookin' smooth and milky. He can see her ab muscles clench as she does some sort of back bend, her head touchin' the back of her thighs. And if that don't fuel up his man parts. His gaze slides up her stomach to those globes he found too small a moment ago. Now that he takes a second look, they ain't that small. About a mouthful he'd reckon. And damn if they ain't nice and high, even without a bra on. And he can tell she ain't gotta bra on; her nips are hard and pokin' the scarves barely maskin' them. Her hands run up her stomach, flutterin' above her tits before gatherin' her hair up off her neck as she grinds her hips against an invisible lover. And in that second, he knows he's gonna have her even if he's gotta chase her down. He moves up her long, pale neck, slightly pink from her dancin' and to that mass of curls. Her hair looks all kinds of soft and he can just imagine it cross his pillow or his chest. Hell, his chest; she can use him as a pillow. She turns to face him and he traces over her lush, pink lips, her white straight teeth clampin' down as she shakes her hips faster than he's ever seen a person do. He traces up her nose and to her forehead, notin' and filin' away the little birth mark on her eyebrow. Then her eyes shot open and he chokes on the candy in his mouth. "Crazy?"

She's danced before. She loves to dance. But dancing has never had this affect on her. Her skin feels tight and swollen, moist in places it ought not be, not from dancing. Her nipples are hard and it can't be from cold as she's sweating from her dancing. If feels like someone is touching her body as she dances, caressing every inch of her body. And while she can feel the desires floating off various men and women as she dances, this is different. This feeling, this touching feels so real, so connected to her. Her hands flow up her body, floating over her breasts but never actually touching them. But she gasps as if she did, as if somebody is pinching her nipples right now. She almost falters but years of intense government training keeps her on her path. She moves her hands up to lift her hair off her neck, suddenly unbearably hot, and almost moans as she feels scratching on her neck. She opens her eyes, expecting to find somebody standing in front of her, but instead looks into the eyes of the last person she expected to see. And then it clicks. He was the ghost hands.

"Don't, sir." Zoe grabs his arm, holding him against the wall.

"What in the sphincter hell is she doin' here?" Mal growls. "And what the hell is she wearin'?"

"I don't know, sir." Zoe replies. "But drawing attention to ourselves ain't the thing to do."

"She shouldn't be…Jayne, get your eyes off her." Mal orders.

"Hell, no." Jayne mutters. "When the hell did she get so…"

"Don't finish that." Mal warns.

"Shiny." Jayne finishes.

River removes one of the scarves from around her hips and sashes over towards the wall. Her hands flow out to touch people as she passes, even stopping to dance against the back of an prominent man. She plays her disguise to perfection, hips swaying like a professional belly dancer as she makes her way to the crew.

Hell, he was just adjustin' to the fact that he was lustin' after the crazy girl and now he's gonna have to adjust to the fact that he's not likin' her dancin' against some guy she don't know.

River ignores the red bleeding off Jayne and dances towards them, her arms above her head as she spins in a circle, holding herself up on her tiptoes. She tells herself that it's just because he's closer, but she approaches Jayne rather than Mal, the slip of paper held in her right fist. She runs one finger down the t-shirt covering his chest, starting at his Adam's apple and ending at his belt buckle. Then she turns around and grinds her ass back into his front, sliding down his body, her hair brushing the front of his zipper. She moves up his length slowly, her hand discretely pushing the paper into his hand. She turns around, slightly startled to see the merc's eyes deep blue and full of lust, for her. And because he can't stop her and she can't not, she rises up and licks the seam of his lips before floating away, dancing across the room.

It took every bit of control he had not to throw her little body over his shoulder and carry her out of the room. In fact, if she hadn't moved away when she had, he would have. He can still feel the imprint of her body on his, the scent of her soaking through his clothes to permanently embed under his skin. And in that moment, he's pretty gorram sure she's gonna be hauntin' him for a long damn time.

"Jayne, give it here." Zoe orders.

"Give what?" Mal glares at the merc, wanting to hit the merc for touchin' the young but suddenly very grown up genius.

Jayne drops the piece of paper into Zoe's hand.

Zoe unfolds it and sighs. "Badger gave us the wrong code."

"Says who?" Mal asks.

"River." Zoe replies.

"Why we believein' her and not Badger?" Mal asks.

"Cuz she's a genius and he's a rodent." Jayne replies, rubbing his fingers briefly over his lip.

"Yeah." Mal agrees, glancing at Jayne suspiciously. It's the first time the merc has ever called her a genius without the 'crazy' attached.

Jayne waits his turn, Mal headin' to the back first, Zoe three minutes later, and him two minutes after Zoe. He looks around the room for River but don't see her and he knows he wouldn't miss her, not now. As he makes his way to the back, he just hopes the crazy genius is as smart as her brother said and she got her little ass back to the boat.


"Did you get it?"

Mal screeches, reaching for the gun he doesn't have on his hip. He looks around for the genius but doesn't find her anywhere.

"She's up there." Jayne walks past Mal and steps up to the shuttle. "C'mon, legs, time to head home."

River cocks her head to the side and then dutifully slides down the side of the shuttle right into Jayne's waiting arms.

"How the hell did you get here, little witch?" Mal opens the shuttle door and gestures them inside.

"Wash." River replies. "And Inara."

"They knew what you was plannin'?" Mal roars, plopping down in the passenger seat and spinning it around to face the two seats in the back.

"Yes." River curls her legs under her, wrapping her arms around her now cold body. Now that she's not dancing, she finds it much to cold to be with the little coverings she has.

"Here." Jayne drops his coat on her lap. "Ain't smart to be runnin' round without a coat on."

"Didn't go with the disguise." River places the coat over her like a blanket, her arms slipping into the sleeves gratefully.

"They knew and they went along with it?" Mal runs a frustrated hand through his hair as Zoe starts the shuttle and lifts off.

"They went on record as this was not a good plan." River says. "But it was the only plan. They did not wish for you to be taken by the purple when the song ended and shrillness announced itself."

"Huh?" Mal mutters, not in the mood to play 'figure out crazy genius speak'.

"They didn't want us to get arrested when the alarms went off." Jayne explains. "Cause Badger gave us the wrong code."

"Oh." Mal murmurs. "Why didn't you just say that?"

"I did." River replies. "Why didn't you listen?"

"I was listenin'." Mal glares at her. "You just wasn't makin' no sense. Your brother know what you done did?"

"No." River leans against the back of her chair, the nights activities having worn out her normally non-active body. She cuddles into the warmth of Jayne's coat, inhaling the scent of smoke, whiskey, sweat, and gun oil. While the combination should be rather nauseating, she actually finds it comforting.

"I'm gonna kill your husband." Mal spins around to talk Zoe.

"I'm afraid I'll have to stop you, sir." Zoe replies, reaching up to hit the com button. "Husband?"

"You got River?" Wash's normally playful voice is filled with worry. "She's okay, right?"

"She's fine." Zoe assures him. "We'll meet you in the air."

"See you in a few." Wash says.

Mal spins back around, intent on interrogating the little genius again, but instead finds her asleep. "Guess all that dancin' done worn her out."

Jayne glances at the captain and then back at the huddled bit of flesh next to him. "Guess it did."


"What's goin' on, Nara?" Kaylee asks.

"Um, I guess we're picking them up in the air." Inara says, hands shaking slightly as she starts fixing a cup of tea.

"Guess that means we're probably in trouble." Kaylee says.

"No, I think Mal just wanted to get this pick-up delivered." Inara says. "I was up when they contacted and Zoe didn't sound worried."

"Zoe never sounds worried, Nara." Kaylee points out.

"True." Inara smiles.

"I should go meet them, just in case." Simon stands up, taking any excuse to get out of making Halloween decorations. For all his abilities with surgical tools, his paper pumpkins look like lopsided apples.

"I'll go with ya." Kaylee says. "And maybe after, we should find River and have her help us; you ain't good with the cutouts."

"I'm surprised she didn't come help us when we started." Simon comments. "River loves art."

Inara follows behind the 'couple' wringing her hands helplessly. She knows Simon is going to be so irate when he finds out what they let River do.

"I know." Kaylee replies. "She's always talkin' bout some artist from Earth-that-was that cut off his ear or somethin'. She said he was an artist."

"Van Gogh." Simon says. "River found his descent into madness interesting." He almost laughs at the irony.

"Gotta be mad to cut off your…" Kaylee's comment trails off as she finally notices who walks out of the opening shuttle door. "Jayne?"

"Mei-mei?" Simon gasps, completely flabbergasted to see the merc walking out the door with his sleeping sister in his arms. "Where did…why is she with you?"

"Your sis decided to perform a little undercover operation." Mal glares at the companion. "As a stripper."

Simon's mouth drops open.

"Belly dancer." River corrects, her head rubbing against Jayne's chest. "Bed now."

"A'right, legs." Jayne pushes past the gathered crew and carries River towards her room.

"Did he just call her legs?" Simon gasps.

"I'd be more concerned with the fact that he's takin' her to bed than the fact that he's callin' her a nickname." Mal comments as he follows the merc. "Why the hell is she so tired anyhows?"

"I give her a slight muscle relaxer in the morning." Simon replies.

"What?" Mal glances over at the merc. "Why?"

"Because of her cutting Jayne." Simon replies. "You told me I had to keep her under control. The muscle relaxer keeps her calmed down."

"Think you might wanna rethink that." Zoe comments. "After bout ten minutes of physical activity, she's close to passin' out. What happens if we're under attack?"

"I…I didn't think about it." Simon stutters out as he follows the captain to his sister room.

"Hey, am I gonna get my coat back?" Jayne is standing above River, who is curled up on her bed with Jayne's coat on top of her.

River opens one eye to examine him and then with a sigh, pulls her arms out of the sleeves and then holds the coat out to him.

Jayne takes his coat but doesn't look at it. Instead, he stares at the girl in front of him. The scarves that did almost nothin' to conceal her while she was dancin' now does nothin' at all. He can plainly see her tits through the sheer fabric and see the red fabric of her panties. Under the florescent lights, her body is on display.

"MEI-MEI, what are you wearing?" Simon gasps.

"Disguise." River murmurs. "Cold."

"Cuz you ain't got nothin' on." Jayne lifts her up, pulls back her blanket, and then lays her back down, pulling the covers up to her chin. "Night, legs."

"Night, Jayne."

Jayne nods at Simon and Mal then walks out of the genius's room. He switches his coat from one arm to another, eyebrows furrowing when soft, silky fabric rubs against his arm. He reaches under the coat and pulls out one of the scarves that she was wearin'. He glances around and then brings it to his, inhaling the scent of crazy.

One year later

"Jayne, shut up and stop arguin'." Mal orders. "We gotta job to do."

"I told you 'fore I wasn't workin' tonight." Jayne growls. "Me and Riv had plans."

"Yeah, yeah, it's the gorram anniversary of the genius goin' completely insane." Mal mutters. "But we got crime to do and we're goin' to do it. Be happy, you're gettin' paid."

Jayne mutters under his breath and follows Mal into the bar. He glances around the room, a little startled to see so many whores. "Why we at a brothel?"

"Cuz that's where the job is." Mal replies. "Now, me and Zoe'll stand down here and watch guard. The booty is upstairs in room thirteen."

"You want me to go upstairs?" Jayne looks startled. "Mal, you know what Riv'll do to both of us if'n I do."

"She don't gotta find out." Mal says, nodding his head towards Zoe. "Think I see one of the officials."

"I'll head that way." Zoe replies.

"Jayne, go." Mal orders. "We ain't gotta lot of time."

"Mal, she'll know." Jayne argues. "She always knows what we're doin'."

"Go." Mal orders again.

Jayne cusses loudly and turns, stomping through the bar to the back steps. It's been a year since he's been in a brothel and he's the tiniest bit surprised that he's uncomfortable to be back inside one. He throws open the door to room thirteen and stomps inside, lookin' round the room for the booty. He sees a small crate sittin' in the corner of the room and walks towards it, spinnin' around quickly when the door shuts. His mouth drops open at the person standin' there.

"Mal made me." Jayne explains in a rush. "I swear I didn't want to, Riv."

"Sit down." River orders.

Jayne sits down on the bed. "Baby, I didn't do nothin', I swear."

River arches her eyebrow and reaches out a hand to the dresser. A low, sultry song plays softly through the room.

Jayne arches an eyebrow, confused by why his violent and crazy girlfriend ain't beratin' him somethin' fierce. His head tilts to the side, confused by what she's wearin'. He opens his mouth to question her on it when the brown coat that obliviously belongs to Zoe hits the ground. "Oh, gorram."

River's hips sway hide to side, her hands running up her scarf covered body. She grasps the one on her right shoulder and tugs as she twirls in a circle.

Jayne's body instantly hardens, his hands clenchin' round the mattress under him. She removes the scarves slowly, sensually as she moves towards him, the gauzing fabric making a path from the door to the bed. "Babe, I'm supposed to be doin' crime."

River straddles his lap and her mouth descends to attack his neck. "You would rather do crime than me?"

Jayne's hands move to grasp her hips and he helps her grind down on him. "Hell, no." With a nudge, he tilts her face back to look at him. "Just don't want Mal comin' up here lookin' for me."

"He won't." River bites his bottom lip and tugs on it. "Went back home."

"Huh?" Jayne groans, his hands rotating her in circles on his cock.

"No crime." River explains, her hands moving down to tug on his shirt. "No job." She pulls it up, releasing his lip long enough to pull the shirt over his head. "Surprise."

"Surprise." Jayne repeats. "We gonna stay the whole night?"

River runs her nails down his chest, smiling as he groans loudly. "We must return to the boat by noon."

"Hell, yeah." Jayne leers up at her.

River slides down his knees, unbuttoning his pants and belt, and pauses at his feet. She unties his boots and tosses them to the side before reaching up to pull his pants down. She crawls back up his body, rubbing her bare breasts against his now bare legs.

"C'mere." Jayne orders, draggin' her up until her mouth is right above his. "I tell you yet how much I love ya?"

"Yes." River smiles down, resting her nose against his. "Love you too."

With a lustful grin, Jayne rolls them over, River squealin' loudly as she's suddenly covered by his large mass. "All night?"

River swallows heavily at the lust filling his eyes and nods. "All night."

Jayne grabs her toned thighs in his big hands and spreads them apart, settlin' into the familiar cove of her body. "Shiny."

River's eyes roll back, helpless moans escaping her throat as he pushes gently inside her. Her hands scratch at his back, her legs locking around his hips as she rocks her hips back against his.

Jayne's mouth bites at her neck, his hands fisting on the bed beside her head as he pounds in and out of her body. He can't believe how much has changed, how settled he feels, how much he can't picture his life without her. And he can't believe this all happened cuz of some gorram costume party.

Thank Buddha for Halloween.

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