(no subject)

Sep 03, 2006 01:41

Disclaimer: Firefly and it's crew belongs to Joss Whedon; no copyright infringement implied
Rating: Adult
Prompt: 37-Fantasy
Claim: Firefly Verse
Pairing: Saffron/?? (it is femslash-be warned)
Title: Imagine



She honestly can't remember how many men she's married; she lost count years ago. She doesn't remember all the names she's gone by, sometimes she almost forgets her real name. But she does remember the first time that she walked away from something she wanted or more accurately someone she wanted. It was on Serenity, with one husband she does remember, Malcom Reynolds; the only man she couldn't seduce, not that she really wanted to. Sex with men is okay, she supposes, but she likes woman better; they're softer and their reactions are more heartfelt.

So, as she lies under her newest husband, his dick pushing in and out of her with almost no finesse, she thinks back on her. Saffron was the first thing that popped into her head when the preacher from Triumph asked and she never particularly cared for it until it rolled off her tongue. Such innocence just sitting there, waiting to be corrupted.

As the daughter of a preacher, her given name being Mary Louise Staner, she knows a thing or two about innocence. And how easy it is corrupted. But that's why she didn't touch her or even really get near her, not wanting to tarnish that innocence. But she imagined it. Wondered if that skin was as soft as it looked, if those mechanic hands were rough from work or soft like silk.

It would have been so easy to seduce her; the girl's need for love and companionship just flowed off her skin. It would have just been a matter of sneaking down to the engine room and crying on Kaylee's shoulder about how scared she was. Kaylee, the girl's heart about as big as the engine she fixes, would have wrapped her arms around her, happily soothing her fears.

Then all she would have to do is pull back and gently kiss the mechanic. Oh, Kaylee'd be stunned at first, insist she ain't that kinda girl, but within a few more kisses, she'd have the mechanic panting for her.

"Saffron, I ain't ever…" Kaylee whispers quietly, her eyes looking down at her hands.

"Me either." Mary lies. "But I would rather my first time be with someone as gentle as you rather than a rough man."

"I ain't even sure how." Kaylee confesses.

"Just feel." Mary takes Kaylee's hand and leads the mechanic to the small alcove on the side of the engine. She quickly releases the snaps of Kaylee's overalls, her fingers tracing softly over the smooth skin under.

Kaylee bites her lip and helps push her suit off. She lets Saffron push her down onto the alcove behind her and gasps when the innocent redhead straddles her lap.

"Shh." Mary places a finger over the mechanic's lips and then follows with her tongue. She explores the soft crevices of Kaylee's mouth, her tongue darting out to taste every inch.

Kaylee feels herself growing wet and is a little shocked by it. She never thought of herself as sly, still don't think she is, but she's enjoyin' what Saffron is doin' to her.

Mary grips the bottom of Kaylee's tank top and pulls it over her head. "You're gorgeous."

"Naw." Kaylee blushes.

"Yes, you are." Mary gently pushes on Kaylee's chest, urging the mechanic to lie down.

"What are ya…." Kaylee's sentence trails off on a moan.

Mary wastes no time; she nuzzles Kaylee's naked breasts before sucking one pert nipple into her mouth.

"OH!" Kaylee moans, her back arching. "Mmm, that feels good."

"Tastes better." Mary murmurs, her teeth rolling a hard nipple.

Kaylee parts her knees and thrusts her body against Saffron's, her pussy wet and aching.

Saffron slides a hand down Kaylee's panting body to burrow between their bodies. She slips her hand down the front of Kaylee's shorts and into the tight fabric of her panties. Her fingers play gently between Kaylee's folds, wanting to taste the moisture soaking her fingers.

Kaylee whimpers, pushing her pussy hard against Saffron's hand while her breasts thrust against the mouth sucking at them. "Please?"

"Please what?" Mary questions, sucking harshly on Kaylee's already oversensitive nipple while her fingers roll the mechanic's clit.

Kaylee's response is a scream as she orgasms.

Mary pulls back to watch Kaylee come, her own thighs sticky with want.

Kaylee opens her eyes, a lazy smile covering her face. "My turn."

Mary moans.

"Like that, do ya Bridget?"

Mary opens her eyes to see the face of her most recent husband. He thrusts once more and amazingly she comes, her fantasy fueling her on, and has to bite her lip to keep from moaning Kaylee's name.

"Gorram, that were good." Monty mutters. "Gotta get dressed though; got some cargo to drop off."

Mary rolls off the bed and starts to dress, wondering if she'll ever see Kaylee again.

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