All about Me

Aug 31, 2006 05:23

Facts about yourselfSo this is about you...Name:Maria Waulk Age:23 Height:5'7" Weight:? Hair color:Brown Eye color:Hazel Birthday:April 23 1983 Sign:Taurus Orientation:Straight Status:single Grade:n/a Occupation:billing clerk School:n/a Piercings:ears Tattoes:butterfly on shoulder Nickname:ria Now...your favoritesMovie:serenity & harry potter movies T.V. Show:buffy, angel, firefly Actor:Adam Baldwin Actress:Summer Glau Game show:n/a Board game:monoply Subject:english Teacher:n/a Piece of advice:you can never get enough sleep Quote:"Let's be bad guys." Holiday:Thanksgiving Drink:Diet Dr. Pepper Candy:Swedish Fish Food:Chinese Fast food:McDonalds "Sit down":Olive Garden Animal:cat Color:black Store:Wal-mart Hobby:reading Book:any harry potter books Author:J. K. Rowling soo..your music:all kinds Favorite genre:alternative rock Least favorite:christian Favorite band:don't have one Favorite song:"Hate me" Least favorite band:Destiny's Child Least favorite song:too many to name Met a singer/band?:Nope Do you download:Nope Now..opposite sexStatus:None at the moment Current crush:None at the moment What you want in a relationship:someone smart but not too smart and who will go away when i tell them to What you look for in a guy/girl:humor Beliefs on true love:Uh..skeptic Beliefs on high school relationships:some work but most don't Too young for love?:don't think love is based on age If no..first love:Love to me changes with the person and changes as the person changes Personality or Looks?:Personality Most importantly...your futureSpouse:One day Children:Yes Girls names:River, Dawn, Summer Boys names:Adam, Malcolm, Alexander Major:? Career:? Car:? Living space:Not in the country Wedding song:Way to soon to tell Retirement space:Way to soon to tell Ever been...?'sDrunk:Yes High:Yes Depressed:Yes Suicidal:Iffy On T.V.:Yes On the radio:No To a concert:Yes In a bad wreck:No Fired:Not really In the hospital:Yes In a big fight:Yes In deep shit with the parents:No So..what makes you...Happy:Reading fanfic and hanging out with Ciara Unhappy:stupid people, life in general Depressed:life in general Stressed:nothing really Moody:people Excited:fanfic, harry potter stuff The Top 8Number 1:Ciara Scott Are they your best friend:Yeah, pretty much---she's closer than anyone else I'd ever let Number 2:Patti Scott What's special about them:She's funny and likes to sew---I find it amusing Take this survey | Find more surveys
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