Today, Hillary Clinton joined a shockingly low number of 27 other senators in an effort to kill the FISA bill. It passed with 69 votes, one of them by Barack Obama. I think the act is unconscionable, and I think any politicized justification of it is pathetic.
An excerpt from Clinton’s statement on FISA today:
“[A]ny surveillance program must contain safeguards to protect the rights of Americans against abuse, and to preserve clear lines of oversight and accountability over this administration. I applaud the efforts of my colleagues who negotiated this legislation, and I respect my colleagues who reached a different conclusion on today’s vote. I do so because this is a difficult issue. Nonetheless, I could not vote for the legislation in its current form.”
. . .
“Congress must vigorously check and balance the president even in the face of dangerous enemies and at a time of war. That is what sets us apart. And that is what is vital to ensuring that any tool designed to protect us is used - and used within the law - for that purpose and that purpose alone. I believe my responsibility requires that I vote against this compromise, and I will continue to pursue reforms that will improve our ability to collect intelligence in our efforts to combat terror and to oversee that authority in Congress.”
Originally published at
scott anthony dot org. Please leave any
comments there.