(44) Final Push toward the Wrap Up

Jul 29, 2007 06:26

Well, it's getting closer and closer to the end. I'm running on pure adrenaline, I think! I can't exactly sit upright anymore, though. LOL

As of right now, entries for all the Interactive Fandom games are closed. The solutions will be going up at 7:30am, and the results of the draw will be at 8:30am.

The draw for the $20.00 amazon.com gift certificate will be made at 8:30am as well.

I'll contact all the winners on Monday. :D Or, you know, you guys can contact me. I'll also be getting in touch with the original sponsor prize winners on Monday as well... you guys who were the first to sponsor me waaaay back when.


Let's see... what else?

There is still MORE FIC on the way.

... I think that's it for now. FIC at 7am.
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