Title: The Halfling
Pairing(s): Onkey, side 2min
Rating: R (this part)
Genre: Romance, sci-fi (?)
Disclaimer: I don't own SHINee, I don't own any of the members. Their souls and bodies belong to SM, I am only a lowly, foreign fanfic writer.
WARNING: Allusions to sexual assault, death (non-SHINee), blood, gore
No past, no future, and no home. )
yes so onew searching for a halfling is definitely going to get tricky! but he made promise to himself that he'd find key's brother so he will find a way! the day key's village was attacked was definitely an intense scene to write. it was hard for me to write about such inhuman things but the fact is that the hunters from earth don't see halflings as people. they are seen as less than and if history has taught us anything (american slave trade/civil rights movement/ongoing mistreatment of americans of color, genocides around the world, the holocaust, etc) it is that when people purposely distance themselves from another culture or type of people and the more they focus on the differences and push them down the easier it is to commit inhuman acts upon those people. so that's sort of the lens that i used when writing about the human hunters attacking key's village. to them halflings were 'others.' they were less than, sub-human (for lack of a better term) and it didn't matter. the hunters only took what they needed and who cared what happened to the rest.
sorry wow that got like. super long and dark and depressing and i really apologize! anyway. so like. i'm just really thankful you read and left a comment. and i am going to try to get my butt in gear and update within a decent amount of time!
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