Jan 15, 2010 20:15
Today was the 1st day I had classes. I'm satisfied thus far but my 2 grad classes don't meet until next week so we'll see.
I went to a political rally today. Not as a supporter but as an observer. Former President Clinton spoke which was cool because he's just such a great speaker.
He said things I very much agree with as well as things I couldn't be more apposed to and of course there were plenty of warm colloquialisms to make everyone want to love him.
Although he did say something I found to be rather offensive. He hated on Independents. It was something along the line of
We all need to get everyone we know out to the polls b/c... the Independents don't vote at all. If they they cared about politics they'd be on one side or the other.
Excuse me! I think there are plenty of people who don't align themselves with Democrats OR Republicans and that as such Independents do let there voice be heard. In fact I know lots of people who consider themselves a Dem. or Rep. that choose not to vote.
In the same breath, he also said that not voting is like voting for the "other guy", which I totally agree with.
He also said Massachusetts should take back the "Tea Party" b/c people protesting the current government has nothing to do with the 'Boston Tea Party'
He did say something that shocking made me think my father would agree but I recall at the moment.
In other news...
I went to Seattle and saw Annie! I <3 the west coast.
Amanda leaves for bootcamp soon.