(no subject)

Sep 16, 2005 07:52

So life has been going well.  I finally have work to do.  I run simulations and make charts and things of that nature.  Its interesting but most importantly its nice to have actually work to do.  Other than that things have been well, not too interesting.  I dropped my mom off at the airport on Saturday and then went clubing that night with people I meet at work.  The club was interesting, the drinks were expensive, but the guys weren't that sleezy and the bathroom was actually clean.  I have working digital cable with rocks.  It is very adictive but its nice to have TV agian.  The digitial cable is worth the extra cost over normal cable, if just to get BBC America.  I need to start meeting more people outside of work who are close to the same age as me.    But yeah thats life, not very interesting.  On a side note, I miss being a student, especially zeta.  Good luck with FMR.  And I will be back to visit at some point.  :)
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