Creepy and inappropriate singing of children praising the glory of Obama.

Oct 01, 2008 21:49

Yeah, if my fellow liberals are going to have a hayday over McCain's attempt at a joke when he stated he aspired to be a dictator, then I sure as hell reserve the right to rip on a video which uses children to praise Obama. While Obama's campaign is not responsible for this video, it is being linked to approvingly from the official Obama site. Which is bad enough in my book.

image Click to view

The entire principle is sickening, and frankly I'm more than a little disturbed at seeing children singing hymns to a man. I thought these kind of songs were supposed to be limited to churches. Be happy and excited about your candidate. Support him all you want, but please, let's not start concocting inspirational songs in his honor. It's painful, and frankly even I have to wonder if some of you truly believe that Obama is the Messiah.

Jim Lindgren over at The Volokh Conspiracy can't even figure out what to make of the video, though he does have this to say:

My first thought was that neither Obama nor his staff is responsible for this video, nor would Obama recommend such devotional singing. My second thought was that - as creepy and inappropriate as this singing is - it’s not as bad as what Obama is actually proposing: forcing all children, starting at the age of 11, to give 50 hours a year of child labor working in their communities at the direction of the federal government. When Obama himself crosses the line, it’s not surprising that some of his supporters do as well.
 Lindgren then links over to Roger Simon, who says:

Watching this video has disturbed me more than almost anything I have seen in recent years. It is the kind of exploitation of children that reminds me of Young Pioneer Camps I saw when visiting the Soviet Union in the Eighties. You could say, as some have, that this is much like what happens with children in churches and synagogues across America, but this is about a political figure - one of two current presidential candidates and the one leading in the polls.
 To top it all off, yesterday Rush Limbaugh had this to say:

Basically the lyrics were, "Yes, we can, lift each other up in peace and love and hope. Change. Change!" You know, I watched the video. I did not see any Little Red Book with Obama quotations in there, the, "Yes, We Can Manual." You're talking about Chairman Mao, right? I did not see any of that. "Yes, we can. Nations all joined as one! Sing for joy. Sing for peace. Courage, justice, hope, peace, love, hope, change, change!" Kids 5 to 12. Little crumb-crunchers, skulls full of mush being polluted and perverted by a bunch of Hollywood pro-Obamaite liberals.
 I realize this video is supposed to come across as inspirational, but if anything, it made me reflect upon the type of nutjobs who support Obama. I don't even know if I have the words right now to adequately convey my disgust. I abhor the idea that people used these children for the sake of propaganda, and I'm angry that many people have met this video with praise.


(h/t to Althouse)

children, obama, politics, hymn

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