Jan 09, 2014 15:35
I'm rather tired of getting sick. I felt great Tuesday afternoon minus the time I puked at work. That, I had attributed to anxiety provoked by a fear of harm to one of my kids, not illness. I didn't make it home from visitation pick-up/ombudsman duties without a stop at the nearest service station. That, in itself, was lightened by my daughter's quips about the phrase, "pinch a penny". The people outside the door of the restroom must have thought we were nuts given the fits of laughter. A sleepless Tuesday night lead into wonky Wednesday, my head felt like the top half would be propelled by the pain in the lower region. Today, I am trying to ignore being sick at all. I ate. I showered. I sit here and ponder what's next. Somewhat dizzy. Must beg the husband to take the girlie to visitation tonight. Not sure I can survive it without falling asleep or passing out. Such a sudden onset this bout was, too. I will likely miss Tristan's fieldtrip tomorrow and burn another sick day, laying around being pitiful. The bright side... I had legitimately lost 2 lbs through diet and exercise this week. Since getting sick, I'm down nearly 8lbs. Scary. Must go drink fluids and rest. Blah.