A woman of the world, right?

Apr 02, 2005 12:04

So I think about those phrases, "woman of the world", "world-traveler", et cetera et cetera, all of those qualifications placed on a person once he or she makes an effort either to educate himself or herself further, travel being an integral part inciting such remarks. But really, folks, I'm not a traveler. Yes, I like going to new places, meeting new people, trying anything at least (no contempt prior to investigate holds steadfast), but this approach to life started in my home town, in the Heartland of the United States. What I want is to promote better thinking, to discuss and to apply principles in the way I live. If I understand my motivation for doing something, can identify whether it is what I need or not (b/c I've found repeatedly that my wants are rarely satisfied but my needs are met without fail), then I have the freedom to be a woman. Honesty in the way I live, from sun-up to sun-down, lets me be myself, lets me see flagrant breaches of my understanding of who I am, and lets me realize that I have today. Then it's up to me how I use today to be work, to play, to love others and God, and to see my dreams surpassed by how incredible life is. Just a little thought early Saturday afternoon in Paris, I am not a world-traveler. I am a woman. I live in the world, but so does everyone else I know. We are all of this world, but together I have found we make Earth more exciting than outerspace, more unforeseeable than science fiction, more romantic than trashy bot-poilers, and more fulfilling than I knew life could be. I'm glad I'm not alone in the ride.
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