Title: Child Hazard
Author: himawarixxsandz
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: JoonHo (Joon/Seungho)
Summary: Joon is five-years-old.
Author's Note: So, because of all the idol specials that comes with the Lunar New Year, there's like a shitload of fancams that spam my Youtube inbox and today this little freaking adorable
thing came in and I was like OMG JOON IS LIKE A BABY AND SEUNGHO IS THE PARENT AND OMG JOONHO I SPOTU. So 01 is inspired directly by that fancam because Thunder transferring Joon to Leader-nim totally reminds me of like two parents giving each other the baby because their arms are tired. XD
Seungho is dating a five-year-old )