Joo Won is a god and I am his high priestess

Jul 05, 2012 14:04

I guess I have some 'splainin' to do after that kind of statement. Well, firstly, Joo Won is the protagonist of the currently airing kdrama "Bridal Mask." Secondly, he oozes sex appeal and carries the pathos worthy of a Shakespearean tradgedy. Ok, maybe I'm being a tad dramatic, but that doesn't change how epicly epic an actor and guy he is. I just started watching (on the 3rd episode), but there are about 10 subbed episodes released already on Drama Fever/ Hulu. The drama will be a well-rounded number of 28 episodes, so there's still plenty to come.

The reason I decided to dedicate an entry to Mr. Won was this screencap I took of the brief revealing of his NAKED!!! upper-half. Haha, freaked you out at "naked", didn't I? But then I had a laugh when I realized how hilarious Park Ki Woong's face was. (Btw, that's also my shitty photo editing there, bleh.)

If you haven't started watching Bridal Mask yet, I highly suggest you do so. I've read reviews from those who have watched all the epidodes released up to date and they are all positive. Drama Fever and Hulu are the only sites that I've gone to watch Bridal Mask, but there might be subbers on Youtube if you absolutely can't stand commercials.

P.S. Just leaving you with solid proof of Joo Won's status as a 1st class lady-killer:


joo won, bridal mask, kdrama, korean drama, kdrama review

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