You Are Quite Worldly
You've done a good bit of worldly exploring, and you have an international perspective.
And you're definitely looking forward to your future adventures abroad.
You've got the passport, the desire to travel, and maybe even the language skills.
Now all you need are the means!
How Worldly Are You? You Sometimes Hold a Grudge
You aren't exactly vengeful, but you're not going to forget when someone wrongs you.
And while you'll forgive the small things, you don't hand out too many second chances to people who really screw up.
Do You Hold a Grudge? You Follow Your Head
You're rational, collected, and logical.
Generally, it takes you quite a while to fall in love.
In fact, you've even been accused of being very picky.
While you're cool, you're not ice cold.
You just know what you want, and don't mind waiting to get it.
Do You Follow Your Head or Your Heart? ~//~
Might be updating very soon, just patching up my memories for the past few days...