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Sep 06, 2007 19:50

So the college life is pretty bangin'

actually, its been a lot more... mellow so far, than i thought it'd be. Like how right now im just sitting in my dorm room writing this. but anyway. I keep running into people from home. a couple days ago i saw my boss from tanglewood when i was walking down the street. and then today when i left class to go back to the dorm I saw BILL ROWLEY, of all people. he said he came to boston to check out some colleges, because apparently hes not going into the army anymore. but yeah, that was extremely unexpected.

Today was the first day of classes, started off with a 4 hour class called Visual language. Which is just a fancy name for how to critique art i guess. whatevs. Then art history, the lecture class that consists of every single freshman. but the professor is hilarious.

henyways dis be dee schedule so far:

3:40-5:00 art history workshop (doesn't meet every week though)
8:10-12:30 Drawing 1
12:40-2:00 art history lecture
8:10-12:30 Visual Language 1
12:40-2:00 Art History Lecture
2:10-6:30 Wheel working elective
nothing yet... but there's a monotype printmaking elective that i want to get into from 9:10 to 1:30 right now i only have 4 classes because I dont have to take freshman english because of my AP score, and I dont really feel like taking sophomore english. so yeah. another elective.

But that's it for now. Thursdays are going to suck asss, but i guess thats how it goes sometimes.
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