The disturbing part of
this video is not the fact that the landing gear / tires catch fire after landing and the plane is evacuated (though they should probably check into that). No, rather it's the fact that people are taking their fucking carry-on bags with them as they evacuate.
I'm not going to expound on why this is a truly selfish, horrible idea for anyone during an evacuation, plane or otherwise. I don't need to say that it prevents people from making an orderly, quick escape from a plane that's fucking partly on fire, and that whatever these people have in their carry-ons is not more important than their safety and that of the other passengers. Hopefully, this would be common sense.
I'm simply going to say that, I promise, should I happen to have the bad luck to be trapped on a plane with you during an evacuation, and you actually pause to get your bags instead of moving your ass the hell out of the plane, you are getting fat-balled ala
Thud Butt in Hook. Okay? I will actually bend over backwards, form myself into a boulder, and roll your ass over in the aisle. We're talking Temple Escape scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, people. Do you need me to spell it out for you?
Consider this fair warning.
Thank you. That is all.