It may sound rediculous to some people, but I'm a fan of the psychic Sylvia Browne. Some people may be skeptical, but time and time again she's proved herself. Like she warned back in october not to travel to the India region because something huge was going to happen at the end of the year....and not to go for another 6 months because of disease. She predicted in december 2002 that we'd capture Saddam by december 2003...and when did we capture him? Dec. '03.
No drug benefits for the elderly until 2008.
We willl allow drugs to come in from Canada.
The flu vaccination problem will continue next year - but it will be black market-ish.
There will be a scandal on the FDA - allowing some drugs to get through. No one will get hurt.
Scandal with the president. Someone close to him/have something to do with him will have a big problem with liquor, & it will hit the papers. Of course the man is an alcoholic. Hasn't everyone seen the videos of him in earlier years drunk at parties?
Jennifer Lopez & Marc Anthony's relationship will end. No shocker there.
Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake will be over.
Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn will break up. That makes me sad.
Problems with Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Demi Moore is going to get pregnant. GROSS. When that child graduates high school, his/her father will be mid-40's...demi will be 60.
Britney and Kevin are going to have a baby, but their marriage will not last. poor child. britney and her ghetto-ass husband are going to procreate...*shudder*
Robert Blake is going to get off.
Donald Trump and Melania's marriage will last for two years.
She is very concerned with Liz Taylor. She is concerned that she won't even last throughout the year, because Liz Taylor is starting to give up. I could see this one coming.
Social issues:
Eventually, there will be some gaming money that will go into education.
State by state there will be a constitutional amendment to sanction gay marriage (starting in the next year, in 2005).
Medicinal marijuana - will help so many people. We will allow doctors to prescribe medicinal marijuana to patients, who will need it (around autumn).
We will see more families come together and stay together, rather than divorce.
Sylvia is excited about medical stocks....
The best investment to make is in real estate.
We are really getting a hold on lung, uterine and colon cancer. There will be a vaccination that will cure those cancers.
Aliens are already here on Earth...
Frivolous lawsuits - we're not just going to talk about them, we're actually going to be doing something about them....and we are actually going to FINE lawyers who do it!
Michael Jackson is going to be indicted - and going to have an actual jail cell (none of that stupid martha stewart sh*t).
Brad Pitt & Jen Aniston are going to break up... This has been stirring for awhile. I can see it coming. Brad desperately wants children and Jen is off partying in London and signed on for movies for basically the next 2-3, woman? give the man a baby!! there are plenty of women out there who would give up anything to make a child with Brad Pitt.
Stem cell research: We are going to use more cells from the umbilical cords, and going to stop using embyronic stem cells for research, etc. (that's what I keep saying: no need for embryonic, umbilical cords will actually be OF USE). So for all the conservatives out there who think that using cells from an embryo is murder, you can quit your whining. And no, an umbilical cord is not a human life!
Heart Disease:
There will be a breakthrough with medication/therapy for heart disease, but the BIG nemesis is obesity... and that is really what we should focus on - and we are much sicker with obesity (more problems), than with anything else.
Laser surgery will be the biggest breakthrough - we will stop using numerous instruments.
it will be worse in 2005. Cabo is going to get the hell beaten out of it, Texas is going to be affected, North Carolina, Florida (again).