A couple that's sneaking around together behind their (or, at least, the woman's) spouses' backs looks out a window and sees some guy that's about to jump off the top of a building. The guy's apparently a
Tony and McGee are talking about a rumor they've heard about Abby finding a new job. Ziva's amused.
"Very reliable source."
Hee! "Stay." Gibbs has them well-trained.
McGee has trouble with heights, so Gibbs has to take the guy's picture.
Tony tells Gibbs to move out of the way so that he can get a clear shot, so what does Gibbs do? He moves even more in the way.
"Damn you, Gibbs. You take too many chances."
Gibbs manages to talk the guy down, but - just as he does - someone shoots the guy in the chest.
It looks like Gibbs is taking the guy's death pretty hard. He feels that he failed the guy.
So the guy who was killed was a translator for the CIA, meaning he was pretty high on the bad guys' hit lists.
And he also was on some pretty strong anti-depressants.
Hee! Tony's absolutely convinced that Abby's leaving NCIS for a high-paying job, and he's freaking out over it.
McGee: Have you ever been to a therapist before, Tony?
Tony: Me? No. You?
[McGee's silent.]
Boys will be boys, I guess.
Oh. My. God. *dies laughing* They wrote this episode for the slashers, didn't they? DiNozzo/McGee, for the win.
Have I mentioned yet this episode that Abby's absolutely adorable? Especially when she's impersonating Gibbs.
Abby: You're standing behind me, aren't you?
Gibbs: Yep. Feeling real secure about your job, Abs?
Abby: Not so much anymore.
The last person to call the dead man was from NCIS.
"Special Agent Gibbs isn't known for his people skills."
And they've found the woman who contacted their dead man.
Abby doesn't have a problem with tattoos or piercings, but she can't handle contacts.
Jimmy: I wasn't staring!
Ducky: You were staring, Mr. Palmer.
"The worst kept secret at NCIS."
Well Tony, that was... blunt.
Now it's starting to look like the mole they were looking for was the dead guy.
Someone switched his eye medication so that there would be a side effect with the antidepressants he's on.
Hee! Everybody's arguing that their own personal opinion is the right one.
"Break up the dogpile. This is a murder investigation."
And Abby just head slapped Tony.
"We're family. That's allowed."
[Gibbs headslaps Tony.]
Tony: What was that for?
Gibbs: Spreading rumors.
The man's wife was the mole, not him. Tony was right about it being her, though he was wrong about the reason.
Tony just went over the edge, and McGee has to yank him back up.
Tony: I love you, McGee. I promise never to give you a hard time again.
McGee: Yeah right.
"She will always be the favorite, Tony."
Gibbs/Abby/Tony, definitely OT3. :)
And the episode ends with Gibbs calling the dead guy's 17-year-old sister. Aw. You've got to love him.