NCIS - 5x01 - Bury Your Dead

Sep 25, 2007 20:00

I'd forgotten how much I love the opening credits for this show. :)

Jenny's having a nightmare.

Methinks there's more than a bit of tension in that limo.

"But since my parents raised a gentlemen and yours raised a killer..."

I love McGee's little eyebrow quirk when Ziva demands to know what's going on.

Jenny's father was a match for the DNA... and she tried to hide it. Except Abby found the result.

Gibbs isn't very happy that they didn't know Tony was on assignment.

Tony's pretty certain that his cover's been blown.

Ziva: Tony? A teacher?
McGee: No wonder he's been compromised. Whose bright idea was that?
Jenny: Mine.

Tony's car just blew up, but I have this odd feeling that he wasn't in it. Of course, it's not like there were clips of him in the episode trailer that haven't happened yet. *pause* Oh, wait a second... :-P

Aw. Just look at the expression on Gibbs's face when he's looking at what they think is Tony's body. All of their faces, really, but especially Gibbs.

Ducky: She blames herself.
[Gibbs nods.]
Ducky: Should she?

Poor Abby.

Abby: Tell me it's not him, Gibbs. Tell me it's not him.
Gibbs: I wish I could, Abs.

Abby's not happy with the Director at the moment, so she has no problem with telling Gibbs about the results of the DNA test. And now Gibbs and Jenny are going at each other.

"You may want to skip that polygraph test Monday."

They just figured out that Tony's car was following the limousine.

Minimal scarring? Then it can't be Tony. He had the plague. :-P

Ducky: [re: Tony having the plague] I'm sure you all remember.
Ziva: Before my time.

I love the way McGee slowly starts to grin as Ducky tells them the good news.

And now the CIA's shown up.

Gibbs, Ziva, and McGee have their guns out before Kort can even blink.

"Meet the parents, part two. I have sequels."

Poor Tony. He really did fall in love with Jeanne.

La Grenouille wants out? Huh.

[Tony headslaps McGee.]
McGee: What was that for?
Tony: Believing I was dead.

Hee! They all started stealing Tony's things.

Jeanne was the target of the bomb, not Tony or La Grenouille.

La Grenouille was smart enough to unload Jenny's gun.

Gibbs: If the weapon was loaded and I wasn't here, would you have pulled the trigger.
Jenny: I guess we'll never know.

Jeanne left Tony a note.

Tony: Did you ever lie to someone you love, Ziva?
Ziva: Yes.
Tony: They ever forgive you?
Ziva: They never found out.

Tony's the one who told Jeanne, not La Grenouille.

McGee: We'll catch up with him eventually.
Ziva: Someone will.
Gibbs: Someday.

And the episode ends with us seeing him in the water, shot in the head.

episode reviews: ncis

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