Fanfiction, Ficathons, and other Ramblings

Aug 05, 2007 03:24

I'm frantically trying to finish up a few ficathon stories and get caught up on Life on Mars and Battlestar Galactica before Vividcon (just in case)1, but I'll have a whole week once I get back before I have to move back into the dorms. Not to mention at least two weeks or so (possibly even more, considering quite a few of the classes I'm taking are more "all assignments due at the end of the semester" than "assignments throughout the semester") before any of my professors actually start assigning tons of homework. During that time, I'll probably still work on getting my hands on some new shows, especially once I'm back at school and have access to high speed internet again, but I won't actually start watching them until I've put a dent in my folder of stories that need to be written.

I've got ficathon stories that were due ages ago that I never managed to get done2, upcoming ficathon stories that I seriously need to get finished, short stories that have been jumping around in my head that I've never had the time to actually sit down and write3, and even a few fics that have the potential to be really fucking long in the end4 if I'd actually take the time to write them out.

1 If you haven't guessed, I've given up on getting through Heroes in time. I know that there will be some vids at VVC for the show, but I'm hoping that I'm not familiar enough with it to be too spoiled by them.

2 Once again, babel, you have no idea how sorry I am that it's taking me this long. My Enterprise muses pretty much jumped ship on me, and I've been trying my best to rewatch a couple of episodes in order to get reacquainted with the character voices since it's been awhile since I really watched the show. *cough* Except for the last couple of episodes, of course, because I refused to watch them on principle's sake and not even great fix-it books like The Good That Men Do can convince me to watch them.

3 Many of which are in fandoms that I've strayed from in the past year or so, or in the case of Harry Potter just came jumping back into, so it's going to be interesting seeing if I can convince my muses to help me out.

4 Two of which are actually for ficathons - at least, ones of the type where you choose (or are given) a prompt but aren't actually writing for someone in specific. Ironically enough, one's Doctor Who and one's Torchwood. I guess there's no denying that I'm still firmly planted in that particular universe for the time being.

fhu: semester: fall 2007, rambling: fanfiction, rambling: ficathon, fandom: torchwood, fandom: star trek - enterprise, con: vividcon, fandom: harry potter, fandom: heroes, fandom: doctor who, fandom: battlestar galactica, fandom: life on mars

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