Paula Cassidy. Now that's someone we haven't seen in awhile.
Yeah, I saw that explosion coming from a mile away. I love NCIS, but it doesn't even try not to be predictable at times.
We should see Gibbs with a baseball bat more often. Not to mention the casual clothes. :-P
"Anyone ever tell you you've got a cute butt?"
Gibbs: You gotta swing to hit it.
Mann: I knew I was forgetting something.
Methinks she was playing him.
Aw. McGee was friends with one of them. :-(
Ducky: I don't suppose any of you have seen the head.
Ziva: Still looking for it, Ziva. Judging by the holes in the ceiling, we may have to try the roof next.
And Paula's naturally freaking out a bit at the moment.
"Ziva, you're going head hunting."
Paula: Would you feel the same way if it was your own team?
Gibbs: Yes, I would.
Paula: I have a tough time believing that, Gibbs.
Gibbs: The difference, Paula, is that I wouldn't stop to grieve until I put the bastards responsible for this in the ground. What about you, Paula?
And McGee's a little freaking himself.
Ducky: You knew him.
McGee: He was good friend of mine. Seeing him like this, it's almost like...
Ducky: It could have been you.
Gibbs: It almost was, McGee. We were supposed to work the hot line this weekend.
Tony: Boss, you serious about that?
"More of a guideline."
Once again, I'm going to have to say "poor McGee."
McGee: We were supposed to take the weekend shift. Those bodies downstairs should be us.
Abby: Timothy, don't even think things like that. [leans down to hug him] Everything happens for a reason.
[Gibbs walks up on them.]
Gibbs: I'm not even gonna ask.
Abby: Technically, that was a squatting hug. Or a "squg" if you will. But I digress.
Gibbs: Yeah, big time.
[He gives McGee a hand up.]
The suicide bomber was dead at least a day before the bomb went off.
Paula: How do we know that Ducky didn't make a mistake?
Ziva: Tony?
Tony: Because Ducky doesn't make mistakes, Paula.
Paula and Ziva are about to kill each other, and Tony's trying to lighten the mood a bit.
Yeah, I adore Tony. Have I mentioned that lately?
"Life is too short to not tell them you love them if you do. And you do."
I love that they still call him "Elf Lord" from time to time.
Ziva: They don't seem very pleased with us.
McGee: Gibbs tends to have that effect on people.
"I never thought I'd say this, but Ducky was wrong."
It looks like Gibbs was right to put his money on Tony. *grin* Though it's surprisingly great seeing him smoking a cigar.
Ducky: Ah, Mr. Palmer.
[He turns around to see Gibbs and Ziva.]
Gibbs: You wanted to see us, Duck?
Ducky: Did you pass Mr. Palmer on your way down here?
Gibbs: Nope.
Ducky: I swear, every time I turn my back these days that young man is running off somewhere.
Gibbs: Well, you should try smacking him in the back of the head. It did wonders for DiNozzo and McGee.
Ducky: Oh, I did. Mr. Palmer seemed to enjoy it.
"Never lie to a woman, Anthony DiNozzo."
Methinks this episode will be ending with Tony finally telling Jeanne that he loves her and really meaning it.
Well, there went the idea of taking that guy in alive.
They were using a computer program to copy his voice. That's how he was making phone calls from the dead.
Abby: What if somebody else tries to stop it?
Ziva: We kill them, Abby.
Tony: We catch them. That's the preferred term.
Paula: I like hers better.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that one of them's involved.
McGee and Abby are still absolutely adorable together.
Wow. They actually killed Paula. I have to admit, I didn't see that coming.
And the episode ends with Tony finally telling Jeanne that he loves her, as tears stream down his face.