FHU Strikes Again

Apr 28, 2006 14:45

Well, as of this morning, Freed-Hardeman has (at least attempted) to block all P2P file sharing here at school.

Since I don't actually depend on P2P for my TV shows anymore, it's not really a big deal. *shrugs* I can name a few dozen people who are probably pissed as hell right now, but I'm not one of them this time around.

What amuses me, though, is the reasons they're giving for blocking P2P programs. I mean, you'd assume that they'd focus on the fact that it's legality is more than a little questionable or the fact that there have been lawsuits lately. But no, not Freed-Hardeman. They have to be special.

It's all about the pr0n, you see.

"There is a huge pool of pornographic videos available for download through P2P file sharing." ... "Perhaps the single most important reason to block file sharing on our network, however, is the availability of and ease of access to pornographic material. As I pointed out when I made the decision to block myspace, this presents such a strong temptation to so many of our students and is so far from what FHU stands for that we cannot allow it on our network and still claim that we are upholding the principles and values upon which FHU was established. This problem alone is important enough that we would decide to apply this filter even if there were no copyright or bandwidth issues."

It's going to be so nice to be home for the summer, where I can look up whatever I want on the internet. *whispers secretively* And don't tell anyone, but I might even be completely immoral and buy a couple of lottery tickets while I'm at it.

fhu: website blocking

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