Nothing Much To Say

May 04, 2003 21:14

First of all, DSL is still down.


Second of all, dial-up still sucks.


Third of all...

My Thoughts On X2: X-Men United

When I was younger, I used to absolutely love the X-Men cartoon series. After I'd watched the entire series several times, however, I started to grow away from it. Because of that, I didn't even bother to go see the first movie when it came to theaters.

Luckily, my brother bought it on DVD when it came out and forced me to watch it--bringing my obsession back in full force. *clears throat* Now that I've bored you with history, time for my opinion of the movie.

All in all, I think that it was much better than the first one--which kicked ass pretty well itself.

The movie started out with the terrific scene of Nightcrawler in the White House. *low whistle* All of those special effects in the first five minutes of the movie. Yep, that definitely was impressive.

Speaking of Nightcrawler, I think that I've found a new favorite X-Men character. :-) *pause* Okay, make that a second favorite X-Men character--Wolverine is still the best. ;-)

Now, where was I? ... Oh, yeah.

The entire storyline of this movie moved quickly, but it still explained everything sufficiently. *grin* And they even made time to add in Hank (on the TV) and Remy (on the computer). *sigh* And I was one of the only people in the theater who noticed. What is the world coming to?

Have I started gushing over Magneto and Mystique yet? ... No? ... Time for that, I guess. *grin* What can I say, they were both terrific. And then there was that scene with "all-natural" Mystique. :-)

Also, unlike (apparently) a lot of people, I really wasn't that surprised by Jean's "death." *shrugs* I mean, really... How many times has she "died" in the comic books and/or TV series?

Last but not least... *looks around* When's the third movie coming out? Come on, I know that there's going to be another one...


Did I mention that I loved the character of Nightcrawler?


Fourth of all...

Pairings Meme

What are your favourite canon pairings (where canon is defined as having a romantic relationship taken beyond innuendo and UST in the present or past that has been verified by events seen in the show excluding dreams, alternate universes and other events-negating plot devices)?

Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tara, Giles/Jenny, Xander/Anya, Doyle/Cordelia, Wesley/Lilah, Xander/Cordelia, Spike/Drusilla, Angel(us)/Darla, Gunn/Gwyn, Giles/Joyce, Oz/Willow, Xander/Willow, Buffy/Faith (it's canon--sort of)

Favourite non-canon pairings?

Wesley/Faith, Andrew/Dawn, Spike/Tara, Connor/Dawn, Angel/Fred, Spike/Faith

Favourite obscure pairings?

Jonathon/Amy (don't ask)

Pairing you won't read no matter how well written?

Incest (Joyce/Buffy, Angel/Connor, Buffy/Dawn, etc.)

Pairing you used to dislike, but grew to like or vice-versa?

I used to dislike Angel/Buffy, but after awhile I've grown to appreciate it--as long as it's set before Angel leaves Sunnydale for good.

Does it matter to you if your pairings ever get recognition by TPTB?

Nope, not really.

If they already have, does that make the pairing seem more legitimate somehow?

Well, they came close with Wesley/Faith... *sigh* But not close enough.


Fifth of all...

Attack Of The Plot Bunny

I've been attacked by a major plot bunny, and it refuses to let go of me until I write it. *sigh* Meaning that all of my other stories are going on hold until I write this story's thirteen chapters--and the thirteen chapters for the sequel.

Of course, so far, the first chapter is already almost fifteen pages long. *shakes head* And that's just what's written in my writing notebook--in my microscopic handwriting--on college-ruled paper.


By the way, I'm going to need a beta sometime. Eventually. If I ever get it typed up. *shrugs* Who knows?


Sixth of all...

Quiz Results

You are Conversations with Dead People! You are
critically praised, but you killed Jonathan.
You bastard!

Which Drew Goddard Episode Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Congratulations! You are Tim Minear!

Which ME VIP are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

meme: 2003, computer: dsl, quiz: 2003, fandom: x-men

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