Thank You

May 17, 2017 16:00

I very much don't have the spoons to try and respond to everyone's comments individually, not right now. But I wanted to post a huge "thank you!" to everyone who donated money towards covering Tali's vet bills/cremation and/or who helped spread the word of it. Thanks to all of you, I have enough money to cover all of the expenses from the vet, plus I should have enough to adopt another cat sometime in the near(ish) future.

I'm trying not to think about that part too much at the moment, because just the idea of it hurts so fucking much. Still, it's quickly becoming clear that it's not going to be good for Garrus to be by himself. I was gone for about four hours today, because I went in to work for the morning, and when I got home at lunchtime it was clear that leaving him alone during the day definitely isn't a long-term option. He needs someone else to keep him company.

Speaking of which, Garrus is doing... okay(ish). I'm not sure how much he understands, but I think he at least has an idea what happened. He's the one who showed me where Tali was, when I got home yesterday, and he keeps coming over to where I found her and curling up on the floor there. He's being a bit more vocal that usual, to get my attention, and he wants to be petted and played with more than usual (which has always been quite a bit).

He's also spent more time curled up in bed with me or in my lap than normal. Don't get me wrong, he's always been the one who likes cuddling, but he usually would get distracted by Tali pretty quickly and run off. Without her, he's much more willing to stay put.

I'm trying not to feel guilty about what happened to Tali, but it's hard to turn my brain off at times. The rational part of my brain is well aware that there's not really anything I could have done differently, or - at least - not that I would have had any reason to do differently. There are a variety of electronics plugged up around my apartment, and there always have been. Everyone I've talked to has been completely shocked by what happened, and it's not been something they've heard of/imagined ever occurring.

I've taken a look under my computer desk, at the wires there, and I don't think there's really anything that could have been done. She must have crawled under there at just the right angle to get the computer cord hooked over her back leg, and when she couldn't immediately crawl back out her first instinct was to chew on whatever it was that was holding her. If it had been any other cable, she would have probably been fine or just gotten a mild shock, but even with the computer turned off the main power cord for it would have still had a lot of electricity running through it.

I think that I'm still going to unplug my computer from the wall when it's not turned on, for the time being at least. Even though rationally I know it was a complete fluke, and the odds of it happening even the once were ridiculously slim, it will make me feel better leaving Garrus alone while I'm at work. I'm well aware that I can't unplug every electronic in the apartment when I'm gone, but the computer... that I can do.

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pets: garrus and/or tali

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