Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe...

Jan 18, 2017 22:18

Okay, I can do this. I'm mostly done panicking about recent financial news (of the "holy shit, what do you mean I owe $1000 in taxes?" variety), which means I can try to earn as much money as possible between now and late March in the hope of not having to borrow any more money from my aunt.

I'm going to keep trying to find a part-time job. There's got to be somewhere out there that will hire me, despite my already having a 9-5 job and therefore being somewhat limited in my availability. Maybe one of the places where I've applied over the last few weeks will call me unexpectedly? Or maybe one of the work-from-home positions that I've sent in my resume for will get back to me? Or, if nothing else, maybe the odds of finding something will get better once it gets into February since January always sucks for finding a job in this area?

I'm also going to spend the next few days going through basically everything that I own and trying to figure out what I'd even remotely be willing to part with. I've cleared out a lot of things over the last few years, but I have enough blu rays, DVDs, books, action figures, and various other items that I can probably get at least a little bit of money for them.

On a similar note, if anyone in the DC area knows someone who might be interested in a bicycle, please point them in my direction. Or point them at my craigslist listing for it.

Winning the lottery would make all of this so much simpler.

And, last but not least, I know it's more of a Tumblr thing but I do have a Ko-Fi page if anyone is possibly interested. Every little bit helps, right?

... and now, if you'll excuse me, I think that I'm calling it an early night and going to bed. I was going to try to catch up on my January Talking Meme posts tonight, not to mention the Creativity Challenge I'm participating in over on Tumblr, but it's becoming very clear that neither of those will be happening tonight.

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real life: finances

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