I've been using Dreamwidth as my primary journal for years. Yes, I've crossposted to LJ, but DW has been my preferred site and I've followed as many people on it as I could. Especially since half the time I can't even get LiveJournal to load comments properly so that I can reply to people
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Really hoping LJ sticks around, because besides my dislike for DW, I don't like having my fannish identity linked to my FB account, I loathe tumblr, and twitter is next to useless for most of my interests. Ugh.
I've seen a lot of people making comments like that, and I don't quite get it. I've been using Dreamwidth since it was created, though, and at the time it was pretty much a clone of LiveJournal. Since I make all of my posts on DW, I'm assuming that maybe LJ has made changes over the last few years that I haven't noticed since I use the site so rarely? Because, as far as I remember from when I did make posts directly to LJ, the format and such was basically the same as DW.
The times I've gone to DW (usually for kinkmemes), the style has seemed really disjointed. Not as bad as the mess that is tumblr by any means, but it just puts me off.
I think it's a holdover from my days as the library's webmaster. Certain styles just make me twitchy. *g*
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