Talking Meme: Day #5

Dec 05, 2013 21:52

netgirl_y2k: Fic you really want to write/vid you really want to make but haven't for whatever reason.

Oh, wow. They are so many fics that I have plotted out but just haven't gotten around to writing (or, at least, I haven't written enough for it to really count as working on them) because I haven't had the time/my muse hasn't wanted to cooperate/etc. Some of them I've mentioned in my WIP posts, some I haven't.

(There are vids too, but I'm less comfortable talking about them because I do plan on making all of them eventually, and I'd rather not give away my ideas. If I ever completely give up on them, then I'll throw them out to the wolves. :-P)

But, still, fics!

The Baby-sitters Club. Long and plotty. Dawn/Mary Anne, so possibly incest depending on your views toward relationships between step-siblings who didn't really grow up together. A story about Mary Anne rebelling against her parents, moving in with her boyfriend, dropping out of college, breaking up with her boyfriend, hopping a plane to the other side of the country, and showing up at her step-sister's door because she doesn't have anywhere else to go. And then things get complicated.

I have this story basically 100% plotted out, but I just haven't been in a place where I've felt comfortable trying to write it. For, uh, almost a decade. *hangs head* It's scary how much I identified with Mary Anne when I was younger, and I first started plotting out this story when I was in my mid-teens. I wasn't quite at the point where I was ready to stop letting my parents decide what was best for me and my life, but I was getting there... and coming up with the ideas for a story where Mary Anne, the most sheltered member of the BSC, did just that? Helped teenage!me more than you can imagine. I'd love to actually sit down and write the damn thing one of these years, but I'm at the point now where I can't help but wonder if it's something that would be better off being left as nothing more than a detailed plot summary.

Doctor Who. Long and plotty. The reluctant adventures of the Sixth Doctor and Tegan Jovanka in the aftermath of "A Fix With Sontarans," as the Doctor tries (and repeatedly fails) to return Tegan to her proper place and time.

I will write this story one of these years, even if it kills me. Which it might, since it will seriously require me rewatching basically all of the Fifth and Sixth Doctor's serials as well as as re-listening to a fair number of the Big Finish audios starring them. But, seriously, it needs to exist.

The Hobbit. Bilbo/Thorin fic with a plot inspired by the DW episode "Amy's Choice." Bilbo keeps waking up in two different worlds, one the (seemingly) canon universe and one where the BoFA didn't end with Thorin, Fíli, and Kíli dying. He has to decide which is real, or if both are real, or if neither is real.

Unlike most of the stories on this list, I've actually started writing this story and have a fair bit of it written. I just, well, stopped working on it. Mainly because it just kept growing and growing and growing, and my ridiculous obsession with The Hobbit was pushed to the side and replaced with a ridiculous obsession with Mass Effect. Considering that there's a movie fairly relevant to this fic coming out next week, I expect this one might actually end up getting more work done on it in the near future. (Unlike most of the others mentioned in this post.)

The Hunger Games. The AU where everyone stops trying to leave Katniss in the dark about everything and instead is open with her (and Peeta) from the beginning. And then things go significantly different because they actually have a clue about what's going on in the bigger picture and have a better idea what to do/not do.

... because as much as I love the books/movies, some parts of them make me want to hit things. Which is why I'm never going to write this fic, not matter how much I might want to do so.

Marvel Adventures: Avengers. Long and plotty. Gen, team-centric. The origins of The Avengers in Earth-20051. (This is the fic where, when and if it ever gets finished, all of the MA:A fics I've written that have mentioned the Statue of Liberty going for a walk will suddenly make sense.)

So... as has probably been fairly obvious, comics fandom in general and I have had a bit of a falling out. You have no idea how much I really want to work on this fic, though, if I could just get my muse to cooperate long enough to write another, uh, 20000 words or so. (What? I suck at writing long fic, but that doesn't stop me from plotting them out in their entirety.)

Mass Effect. So... as I've mentioned before, I have something like a dozen playthroughs going on, each with their own unique version of Shepard. And all of them are pretty damn different from each other. And, even though I know it's ridiculous and will never happen in a million years, I want to sit down and write stories about my Shepards. All of them. Alex, and Bryn, and Gio, and Jay, and Kari, and Leah, and Madelyn, and Naomi, and Rayne, and Shayna, and Zoe.

Unlike everything else on this list, I don't have stories all plotted out, down to the last detail. I just want to write specifically about my Shepards and their crews, even though I know it's probably going to end up being way more work than I'll be able to do.

Torchwood. Long and plotty. Blatant fix-it fic for both S2 and CoE. Started immediately after the end of "Children of Earth." Involves time travel, paradoxes, lots of cameos from Doctor Who characters, and actions having consequences.

I have a fairly bare bones plot summary typed up for this fic, outlining basically everything that I want to happen in it without going into too much detail. That summary? Is over 5000 words. So, you know, you can imagine just how long-as-hell the finished story would be, which is part of the reason that I've shied away from actually writing it. Well, that and the fact that it would require me rewatching the first three series of TW again, and I honestly don't know if I could put up with the heartbreak again.

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meme: 2013

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